I'd make sure he doesn't have reflux. Also, check out the video "The Happiest Baby on the Block" by Dr. Harvey Karp. It was a life saver for us when our 2nd was a baby. It might still work for your guy. GL!
My 3 month old son never seems happy. We are lucky to get a few minutes a day of smiles out of him. He wakes up fussy, cries a lot and never seems satified. We have put him on formula for fussiness & gas, make sure he is fed and changed & try to make him take a nap (which I am lucky if it is 20 minutes). He doesn't want to be held or put down. We have also taken him to the dr. and she feels he is healthy and just a sensitive and tempermental baby. I feel like he doesn't like me. I am so tired. He does sleep well during the night, however, I don't want to get up to start my day because I know what it will be like. Any suggestions?
Thank you for all your advice. He is doing much better right now though I tried everything and I'm not sure what worked. He is now a happy baby that sleeps through the night and takes 3 naps about an hour each per day. I really thank everyone!
I'd make sure he doesn't have reflux. Also, check out the video "The Happiest Baby on the Block" by Dr. Harvey Karp. It was a life saver for us when our 2nd was a baby. It might still work for your guy. GL!
Have you thought about the possibility of it being reflux or even gas. Have you used Mylicon drops after feedings? That helped both of my kids a lot. He loves you, something may be bothering him and he has no way to tell you but fuss. Take him in and talk to his Pediatrician about it. If he has tummy issues maybe try Nutramigen formula, that was a life saver for my daughter!!!! Reflux really is irratating and painful for them, talk to your Dr. YOUR SON LOVES YOU!!! :)
My baby was the same way! Check for reflux!!!!! It saved us to find out she didn't hate us, but had a sore throat. The change was gradual, but within 2 weeks she was someone else... someone pleasant!!! Your baby doesn't hate you, I promise I truly felt the same way. My doctor told me my baby was fine too, but he was wrong. X-rays actually showed it happening.
I'm so sorry things are rough right now. This actually sounds EXACTLY like my little boy when he was 3 months old (he is now 5 months). It was just the same - didn't sleep at night, no naps and if he did, just a few minutes, I breastfed and he would eat really often (every hour) and be really upset about it, only smile and be happy 10 minutes out of the day. etc...
Could it be the formula you put him on? Sometimes babies have trouble with formula, have you tried switching to a different kind? Maybe he's gassy or his tummy is upset from it?!?
This is what happened to us, maybe this will help you?
We thought he had reflux, so we went to the Dr and instead of doing the test they put him on medicine to do a trial run. He reacted from the meds and was so much worse, so we stopped it. After a few more days, we decided to start rice cereal early (He was 10 days shy of 4 months at that point). I had heard that cereal could help with reflux and I was desperate to try anything. Just a day after we started it, he was a COMPLETELY different baby. Things weren't perfect of course, but were much better. He slept better, napped a little more (he is still only a 30 min napper though) and instead of only being happy 10 minutes out of the day, he was only cranky 10 min out of the day and happy the rest of the time. So I think he was just starving and his signs seemed like other issues like reflux or just being a fussy baby.
Now this may not help at all, but maybe it will. It was a very, very rough 6 wk span for us. I will be thinking about you. Good luck, I hope things get better soon!
While I don't have any ideas about the baby other than talking to his DR. I just wanted to tell you that you are not alone in feeling that he doesn't like that. We all get that feeling from our kids from time to time and it sucks. The other day my almost 4 year old son told me that he didn't love me anymore, only daddy. It totally broke my heart but I knew that he didn't mean it and later on in the day he told me that he loved me again. I think that you are just really tired and I don't blame you. Just rememeber that you are the best mother for your kids and maybe try to get away and have some time for yourself. Good luck
This must be a really difficult time for you. You WILL get through it though! Here is a link for coping with fussy/colicky babies: http://www.askdrsears.com/html/5/T051300.asp
You have to register for the site but they just ask for your email address. Dr. Sears has so much wonderful advice for all kinds of things baby/children related.
I also agree that you should have him checked by your pediatrician just to be sure that there isn't something medical going on that might be causing him discomfort.
It sounds like you are doing a great job...hang in there!