Waking up in the Middle of the Night - Santa Rosa,CA

Updated on September 26, 2009
S.R. asks from Vacaville, CA
11 answers

My 17 week old son has started waking up 1-2 times in the middle of the night. He is waking up from rolling himself over and can't get back over. I have turned him back over, that hasn't worked. I patted him on his back, that hasn't worked. I even gave him a bottle and that worked, but I don't want him getting in the habit of eating at 3 in the morning. So I pick him up and rock him, walk around with him and even lay him in my bed patting his back. If I let him cry it out my husband freaks out and I don't want to wake my 2 year old. I have read several other requests and responses and have ordered the books from the library. But I was hoping someone might be able to help. I am exhausted.

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answers from Stockton on

Have you tried putting a wedge in his crib? so it will prevent him from rolling over onto his stomach?
Oh and my son woke up at least once a night to eat until he was 15 months old....he's probably hungry so go in with the bottle made, keep the lights off, feed him and put him back to sleep. Or put him in your bed with you to feed him and you two can fall asleep together.



answers from Fresno on

My son is about the same age and went from sleeping 10-12 hours a night to waking up for a bottle again...I know he is hungry because he sucks so vigorously on his hand. I believe he is going through a growth spurt which is probably the case with your baby. I would think if he wasn't truly hungry that he would be soothed back to sleep but if only a bottle is doing the trick he might just need a bit more for a while until his body evens out again.



answers from Sacramento on

Yes, you are exhausted...BUT HE'S HUNGRY!!! My ped. said that until about 9 or 10 months of age infants can be genuinely hungry in the middle of the night and that it's cruel to not feed them in the hopes of 'teaching' them. And I agree with your husband--that's way too young to cry it out. He needs you or your husband--maybe you can take turns so you can feel more rested? Don't get me wrong, I can remember and relate. Since mine were both breast fed they ate even more often. Both of them ate every 2-3 hours round the clock for months and coffee was my best friend. If it's only one or two times a night you are lucky. And it sounds like your 2 year old had a slower metabolism since it sounds like this didn't happen with him. Every baby is different, aren't they? I'm sorry...this too shall pass.


answers from Redding on

If giving him a bottle worked, then it's a good sign he is hungry. I'd think a 4 month old infant would still need to eat every few hours. I'm sorry you are exhausted, but it's all part of being the parent. Do you have another adult in the home who can take on a night time feeding? You are fortunate to be a SAHM, so plan your days so both children nap at the same time and you can lay down while they sleep. Your housework and other chores can wait and be done when they are awake so you can get the rest you need. While the 2yr old is in his highchair eating lunch and the baby is in a swing or bouncer, you can do breakfast dishes, and clean the kitchen, talking and being near them the whole time. While they play with toys, and look at books, you can fold laundry, and dust and keep an eye on them both, but once nap time comes,(and it can still be 2 times a day at their ages) you get to lay down also. It can be done, and will help. (o:



answers from San Francisco on

Hello S.: I have 5 children and raised several foster children, so my advice is with experiance.
Your baby is just over 3 months old! Ofcourse he won't sleep all night and it is normal to have feedings at least 1-2 times a night. Since you are a stay at home mother take a nap with the children during the day. The house work, dishes( and I wish I'd used paper plates), and laundry won't run away and no one in their right or left mind expects a new mother to have things perfect until she settles in withthe baby.
New borns have to set the pace as they are still getting used to things. All thier needs were met insde the womb, now they have no way to communicate except show discomfort.
I used to hire a teen from the neighborhood to come over and watch things while I toook a nap when my children were young, as they got older and my children all gave up regular naps by age 1 year! They had their quiet time and we times it by the show Perry Mason. It is 1 hour & from the 1st musical note until the last sceen the kids had to be quiet, color, look at books or sleep. But as soon as it is over they came and got mom. To this day they like a good mystery and still call it The Perry Mason hour, once a child got off work at 2 am and found it playing inher area-- she called to tell me it was over and time to get up--we laughed.
2 year olds are at an age of wanting to please, making many changes from babyhood to toddler hood and with a new sibling intow, that means needing extra reasurrance as well.
So tke a nap when they do or consider having someone come for an hour to watch the kids and you take a power nap. Good Luck , Nana G


answers from San Francisco on

It sounds like he's genuinely hungry. He's too young to be "manipulating" and only cries when he needs something... in this case, food. He's only 4 months old, prime age for a big growth spurt, and night feedings will be a normal part of your life for a few more months. Despite what many people (including doctors!) say, babies need night feedings well past 6 months, which is when it's "recommended" that baby "give up" their nighttime bottle/breastfeeding. No offense, but wouldn't an adult get up in the middle of the night if they were hungry enough?? As exhausted as you are, and as difficult as it is to see beyond the present, this part of your lives is SO short!



answers from San Francisco on

you dont' say how much he weighs. If he is over 14 lbs, he has a big enough stomach to sleep 8 hours, if not he is hungry. Try offering more milk during the day, if you feed only 4 oz, each feeding try 6 oz instead. Best wishes.



answers from San Francisco on

My son is 26 weeks old and used to do the same thing you are describing...

My first answer is similar to all the other mommies... Your little one cannot talk yet and can only cry to let you know what they need. Even if it's 3 AM, if feeding him helps him calm down, maybe he was just hungry. Some babies can't sleep through the night without a little help. That's just something you'll have to expect for a while.

As far as the rolling to the stomach: as long as your baby is rolling himself, and has enough head control to keep his face out of the matress, you should be fine. It's never okay to put a baby to sleep on their stomach, but babies sleep in all kinds of weird positions. My son sleeps on his knees and elbows... and he has since he was 2 months old. I put him to sleep on his back and he will roll over right away. If I tried to fight that and continue to roll him back to his back, it would be an all night fight.

Good luck! Hopefully things will calm down and allow you to get some sleep through the night



answers from San Francisco on

I just want to echo what most of the other moms have said. He is hungry and NEEDS to eat. It is perfectly normal for kids to need to eat during the night for the first 9 months and some even longer. My son stopped waking for a feeding around 10 months old and my daughter was similar in terms of feedings at night. She kept waking up at night through 18 months old but it was for other reasons (teething, developmental, etc.). If you feed him he will probably just go back to sleep. It sounds like you bottle feed your baby so try getting your husband to take a shift every once in a while. I am a firm believer that moms need just as much sleep as dads and the night time duties should be shared. I did not do that with my first born but with my second I told my husband he would have to step up and help me out at night.



answers from Sacramento on

I have to agree with the other moms, your baby it still very young and wants to eat. I can feel your exhaustion. I have a 3 year old and 4 week old. Try to find some help at night, but most babies eat at least 1-2 times during the night until they start some more solid food. Try to not make very much commotion at night. Simply get your baby, change them if needed, and feed him. Then gently rock him or lay him down to sleep. Keep the lights very low or use a nightlight. My baby eats 2 times a night now and I simply turn on a soft light to change her, then turn it off and feed her. She goes quickly back to sleep once she is full. Yes, try to nap with the babies if both are asleep!! Good luck and it will get better soon!!



answers from San Francisco on

My son did this when he learned to roll over it was as if he was practicing it in his sleep. It only lasted a couple of weeks which feels like forever. But I just kept turning him back over and patting him until he went back to sleep. Sorry I know its not any great advice but that was my experience with it!

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