WHen kids are growing, not everything grows at exactly the same rate. Her kidneys may be functioning at a higher rate now while her bladder has not caught up in holding capacity yet.
Combine that with the stress and fatigue of a new routine and it isn't suprising your daughter is having some bed wetting. Don't stress about it. IT likely bothers her far more than it bothers you. Here are some things you can do:
Have her go to bed earlier for a week.
Do as much of the morning routine the night before, such as packing her backpack and homework and putting out clothes for the following morning.
Have a towel or something she can put over an accident in the middle of the night if she isn't coming in to you when it happens.
Put a waterproof pad on under the sheets to save yourself some clean up time.
Don't make a big deal of it. Maintain an environment of trust and let her know that she can talk to you about anything any time without judgement (and then live up to it :) ).
While bed wetting can be a symptom of trauma, it isn't always. Sometimes it really is a growth thing combined with deep sleep. This is pretty common in this age group. Let her get rested, eat healthy and be supportive and it should clear up.