I would get a second opinion from another Dentist. I know it can be bothersome to set appointments and get them all there again, but it is worth knowing if the work needs to be done. The reason I say this is because on more than one occasion I have had one dentist say one thing and the other the total opposite. My two oldest children had all of their molars drilled and capped before they were 7. Then the dentist wanted to start on my third child. We moved and so went to a new dentist and he said there was nothing wrong with her teeth, just needed a good clean and then sealed them. About a $800 discount is how I look at that one!! As far as cavities in baby teeth it depends on if the child is having pain, can eat properly or if the tooth is close to coming out whether you want to spend the money or not. As for sealants they only work for the top of the molar, not in between teeth or on the sides, but it can prevent decay that could lead to root canals later. It is not permanent either, must be done every few years. We are also cash payers and I have found that the dental/orthodontic school can be a great place for regular check ups and work. The students are supervised and really good with kids. It does take longer, but if you prepare for the time it is worth it as the cost is less than half the regular dental office visit. There is a school on baseline and Recker Roads in Mesa called A.T. Still university. Hope this helps. Good luck!