Well I am interested, I start college in the fall, and the full time job i have now does not offer me part time work.
For any of you part-time working moms, where did you find your jobs? I am looking for someone to work part-time, but HR is looking through recruiters and posting ads on monster. I don't feel like I will find a part-timer through those means. Any advice on where to post ads?
Well I am interested, I start college in the fall, and the full time job i have now does not offer me part time work.
hi there! It sounds like you need part-time help? I am a full-time Mom and full-time student. So I am for sure looking for part-time work. I am pretty much available on Tuesday's and Thursdays. Feel free to email me if you want more info. ____@____.com
I get a lot of staff for my business through craigslist. It is free and easy to post so you have nothing to lose from trying it. You will get a lot of people that you won't want. I am amazed and disgusted by some of the spelling and grammar errors as well as pure lack of professionalism by some people; but you can get some good ones also. Good luck.
When I was working I found all of my jobs through the Today Newspaper. It's a local newspaper that advertises to Duncanville, Cedar Hill, DeSoto, and Lancaster. The website is www.todaynewspapers.net
Hey there C.!
I was wondering what type of part time position are you looking for. I am currently looking for a part-time (preferably) job. Could you please give me more details...
Tahnks alot,
Craig's list has a part-time job listing category. Also, since the job is in Carrollton, you might contact Brookhaven Community College and have them list it on their job search database. I cannot tell you how many jobs I found during my college days, and even beyond, thru the Dallas County Community College jobs database. I think the listings are free, or at least they used to be. And since the majority of your audience there would be college students, a lot of them adults since it's a community college, part-time would probably be very desirable. Good luck!
C. - why don't you post it here and tell us all what you're looking for? Then we can forward on to our networks as needed.
What type of Part-Time Job is it? What hours are you offering? I am VERY interested.
Please e-mail me at ____@____.com
First off, what type of part time work is it? My husband is a full time student and looking for part time work in the afternoons...really any hours between 1PM and 6PM...Monday through Friday...and any number of hours really. His background is actually in account management and recruiting in several different fields, and he's in school to get his BS in Nursing, then go to Physician Assistant school. Let me know, he might be interested!
You can also advertise on Craigslist...my husband used that several times with agencies he worked for.
Craiglist is great for everything. search for Craiglist, Dallas tx
Hi C.,
I was a bit confused about what you are looking for....are you looking for someone that wants to work part-time? Or, are you looking for part-time work?
I am looking to work part-time, so I would be interested in talking to you about it if it does not have anything to do w/selling, or home parties.
Email me at ____@____.com and we can chat about exactly what you are looking for.
My skills are in Office Manager/Administration and all that it entails.
G. B.