You are not alone. I am a working M. and I have settled in my mind, until I can do better, this is what I have to deal with.
You didn't say what age your daughter was, but to make it feel less guilty, talk to your daughter while dropping her off to daycare/inlaws. When you get home from work, rest in your car for a few minutes before facing her, refresh yourself and plan to spend at least 15-30 mins with just her, touching, hugging, playing and spending time with her undistracted by making dinner. When she is content, let her be - don't over compensate, but when she does cry for you, stop what you are doing if you can and meet her need.
It's all about quality time, not quantity. You are only one person, you cannot do it all. You are not superwoman and you will never stop being M.. Your baby can sense your love and attention and you are doing a great job just by caring that you don't have enough time.
Take comfort in the fact that she is surrounded by your inlaws so they will help to instill the values your husband grew up with and quite possibly on the same page as you. All the best and don't worry, she is fine.