Work from Home - Porter Ranch,CA

Updated on April 12, 2011
L.S. asks from Porter Ranch, CA
19 answers


I am a mother of two girls, 3 and 1. I would like to work from home part-time. Does anyone have any suggestions/ and or tips. Thanks!

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answers from Los Angeles on

I too have been looking for this type of job. I haven't found anything in the year I've been looking except Avon, Pampered Cheif, Creative Memories, etc. I haven't done these because most of my friends don't have extra money to spend now. Good luck to you.

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answers from Dallas on

If you like to write you can supplement your income at Associated Content. Also check out Demand Studios, Textbroker, and Suite 101, WordGigs, Ezine Articles, and Hubpages.

If you like to blog or want to get into blogging, check the The Niche Blogger program at
You do have to pay to join, it's 19.95 a month but you can have a free trial to see what it's about. I love this program, Amy, the owner, walks you through what you need to do step by step. You don't need any knowledge about blogging or websites to get started. Also, what is great about this program is that you know it works because it is something that she actually does herself. She started 2 years ago and now she makes $5,000 a month from her blogs. Lot's of other people also make a full time income following the steps in her program.

Also, check out KGB or Neither will give you a full time income, but it can help supplement your income. These are great because it requires no phone work and you can set your own schedule up.

Check out I made 58$ in January.Last month I only made 12$ but I only did it for like 5 minutes every couple of days. A lot of other people who are on Treasure Trooper can make $100-200 a month. It's free to do and it's a very easy way to make extra money. I think of it as a hobby that makes me money.

If you have Facebook, check out They offer tasks for you to do. I've heard it's very easy. I don't have any personal experience with it yet, I have been busy with my blogs but I have heard good things about it.

There is also Amazon Mturk. It's where you get paid to do simple tasks. It's a great way to earn extra money. If you like to look for products online or help other people find good deals on items, check out IMShopping, you can get money for answering peoples questions.

There are also at home call center jobs, such as West at Home and Live Ops.
If you keep an eye on my blog at I will be talking about a work at home opportunity every 3-4 days. I just started it recently, so I don't have much information on it yet.

I also want to add that you can sign up to test websites. Check out userlytics or usertesting. They both pay 10 dollars per test and take about 10 minutes to complete. I signed up with both, but have only done a test with Userlytics. It was very easy and they paid the next day.

If you have any questions about any of this, just message me and I will be more than happy to answer.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Dallas on

If you would be interested in your own small health and wellness business I am a Shaklee person and I'd be happy to tell you about it.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Los Angeles on

I highly recommend Nu Skin. They have amazing anti aging skin care products including the Galvanic Spa and Ageloc.

They studied the science of anti aging with researchers at Stanford & Purdue Universities and have developed technology that significantly reduces fine lines, wrinkles and bags under the eyes, it considerably increases moisture and smoothness, firms and evens out skin tone. It can even help smooth cellulite and fortify hair follicles in the scalp. Several celebrities are using it.

The products work so well they sell themselves. It's a business opportunity that is making a lot of people very wealthy. Their stock has gone from $7.00 a share to $30.00 a share in the last year, which is impressive in this economy!

For more information, check out:
To get started you can contact me at
I'd love to discuss it with you!



answers from Dallas on Not a job, but a business. The best business that I have ever come across!!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi L.,

I have been working from home for over a year now! Love it! I have found that if you have a solid company and wonderful CONSUMABLE products you can do very well. My husband and I, are lucky enough to, work together and we directly with our companys' corporate trainer. My advice is to do your research and make sure that what you decide to do is what you love. We love helping people. In this regard it makes our "job" so easy!
If you're interested take a look at or you can call a quick 8 minute overview at ###-###-#### x10785#.
Our business has changed our lives. And it's been fun in the process!
Just make sure you are careful in your choice and you like the people you'll be working with!!
Good Luck!!
B. : )



answers from Washington DC on

Hi L.,
It's amazing how many choices are out there. It's very hard to decide on something to do.
Over a year ago, I found a company that showed me how to save money on all of my household expenses. I saved $4,844 dollars last year. It was wonderful to find a company that wanted to save my money instead of just taking it.
I was so impressed with our household savings, I started to work the business. Now I make an income showing other people how to save money on their everyday purchases. It's been a true blessing for myself and my family.
If you would like more information, you can view a free on-line presentation at my website Or, you can call me at 888-454-0971 or e-mail me at for more information.
Good luck, and don't worry, you'll find the right fit for you and your family.



answers from Boise on

I just posted my new business on mamasource today. I am very excited about it. How would you like to buy your non- perishable groceries from home, have them delivered to your door with free shipping? You not only get cheap national brand groceries and save money but you can shop at home and if you tell your friends and join the loyalty program you can make money! Check out my website and listen to the videos. See what you think. Here some examples of the prices.
Bumblebee Tuna 5 oz. $.20
Jif Peanu Butter 18 oz. $.69
Folgers Coffee 27.8 oz. $4.99
Kraft Mac & Cheese 7.25 oz. $.39

Look at my website
Contact me through mamasource and I will show you more! What a great opportunity and save money too!



answers from Boise on

Have you heard of Mona Vie? It is a health juice that provides a world of benefits. My husband and I drink this wonderful juice ourselves and feel so much better for it. Sleep, joint pain and energy as well. Since starting this product, we have become distributors for Mona Vie.
We believe in this product so much that we are sharing our story with others and gettin them on it as well. In the process, we are making money. It is the #1 all natural health juice. It isn't sold in stores, it's only through social networking that this is done. When you have some time, take a look at the site and look at the 2 links to the right, Essence of Mona Vie and the flip chart. You can explore the products under the red Mona Vie tab. You can learn how to get this product and make money if you are interested.
I am a stay home mom as well. I was working a temp job that just wasn't concrete for me, I needed something that I could do that was for sure. We had a friend invite us to a tasting and we heard all about Mona Vie and the benefits and how we can make money. We have been in this business for 1 month now, and already make money. It's a wonderful company that wants everyone to succeed and make money that they offer incentives all the time. My husband told me not to look for a job anymore that I would be working on Mona Vie, talking to people and sharing our experiences with.
If you are interested, let me know. Take care and God Bless!



answers from Los Angeles on

Hi L.,
I have two businesses that I work from home. I love them both. Here are a couple phone calls you can get on and listen to to see if they would fit into your life.
###-###-#### box 190, eight minute recorded call, you can call any time
###-###-####, 20 minute recorded call, you can call any time
The two above are both for the same company.

###-###-#### access code: ###-###-##### , This is a live call at M-F, 5pm PST and Saturday at 8am, 11am, and 3pm. You can call and listen to the information.

Call or email me after you have listened if you are interested in either business. I will help you get started.

Good luck,



answers from Dallas on

I absolutely love my job as a stylist for Stella & Dot, an amazing boutique jewelry company sold exclusively through private trunk shows. The company is new and the jewelry is amazing. We grew 700% last year and the opportunity to grow your own business is huge. I work completely part time around my family's schedule and make great money doing something really fun. The jewelry is featured regularly in InStyle, Lucky etc and it is easy to get started. Check out my website at and let me know if you have any questions!



answers from San Antonio on

Hi L.,
Do you love candles? I am an independent distributor for Mia Bella Candles (Scent-Sations Inc). Mia Bella is a home-based business that has been around since 2002. While candles are the main focus of Mia Bella, we also have a mineral make-up line and bath & body products. It's a pretty simple business and there are several ways to earn an income - from the traditional home parties to fundraisers to team building. If you would like some more info & scent samples, let me know & I can send you an information packet.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Independent Distributor of Mia Bella Candles
EARN: www.


answers from Dallas on

Working from home is a great fit for mothers of small children! You can call me at ###-###-#### and I can schedule a time for you to hear an overview of my business. I left my elementary teaching career 5 years ago to be home with my kids. I love helping others earn reliable income. We are an A rated BBB company with NO investment or fees. I make more than I ever did teaching and only work part time hours around my families schedule.
M. to request info or call me :)



answers from Dallas on

Have you heard of Scentsy the Wickless Candles? I'm a Scentsy Director and work from home with my business. I have been a Scentsy consultant for 2 years and LOVE IT! It pays our mortgage and car payment each month. The earning potential can be part time or full time salary. It's up to you! Check my website out at for more information, to join my team or to contact me. Our products sell themselve and we are growing at 300%. I would love to speak with you about this amazing company. Have a ScentSational Day!




answers from Los Angeles on

Wow! What timing! I was just about to post a similar question! I was going to ask about working at night! Thanks for posting this question.... I will look into some of the suggestions as well.

Good luck to you!

J., stay at home mom of 2, going broke!


answers from Dallas on

Hi L.,
Here are a couple of three minute calls you can listen to. If you find you are interested, I will be happy to send you more information.
###-###-#### (owner and CEO and ###-###-#### Moms at home making a difference and a lot of money.



answers from Minneapolis on

I work for a wholesale wellness company that sells hundreds of natural household products, but I do not sell the products myself. Send me a private message and I will give you my phone number so we can talk. I still work FT so I am available to talk evenings (after 4pm Central time) and weekends. I look forward to talking to you soon.


answers from Bangor on

I currently work from home part time but its more of an online business then a job. No selling, No pressure. Here is the website If you have any other questions feel free to ask.



answers from Kansas City on

Hello L.!

My name is Z. and I'm an independent rep for Ardyss International. This company will pay you 10 different ways and allow you to stay at home. Our flagship garment is the Body Magic which is a reshaping garment that allows you to drop 3 dress sizes in 10 minutes.

Check out this website:

You can check out my site at: and you can contact me at ###-###-#### and you can ask for Z. if you have any questions.

An Appointment With Ardyss Will Change Your Life!

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