My son is 1 year old now. When he was born he weighed 7lbs and 13oz. Now he weighs 16lbs and 13oz. Dr. Bulger said he was proportinately perfect, not to worry. He was only gaining a pound a month for the first few months! He just wasn't hungry. He would eat often and in small portions. He was very active then and is now. Dr. Bulger believes he may be hyperactive. He was standing and walking along the furniture at 3 months old. Every time I went to the doctor for a check up, we got gold stars. But when our insurance company forced us to seek a new doctor, she ranted and raved at me about how under weight he was. He wasn't even on her charts! She told me I had to force feed him, make him gain more weight. That if he didn't put 2lbs on in a months time, she would test him for Failure to Thrive. I left her office in tears. Thomas got a sore throat, so we saw Dr. Samala again, and she prescribed some antibiotics. He turned out to be allergic to them. But the doctor at the emergency room said he was fine, weight wise (I had to ask her opinion). She said he was proportinately perfect, smart, satisfied, and very active. Thomas is a breast fed baby. I understand that the weight/height charts are based on formula fed babies. Formula fed babies tend to be bigger, but don't get the imunities found in breast milk. My neighbors son is 6 weeks younger then Tom, formula fed and weighs 25lbs. He just started to crawl. I realize it is not fair to compare babies, but that's what we all do to make sure our child is normal. Tom has a double chin, pudgy thighs, a belly and muscle tone in his limbs. He has only had colds during the appropriate seasons and a sore throat. My neighbors son is always sick. We have yet to go play with him because he is usually sick with bronchitis, fevers, and colds. My son maybe smaller, but he is very healthy. I just make sure he has healthy snacks available to him all day and water or milk. He loves the Gerber veggie puffs and Cheerios.