Results 41-50 from 270 articles

Considering an Epidural but Paranoid About the Needle

H.K. asks from Gainesville

After two totally natural births, I am thinking of an epidural this time. (maybe) But I am way too frightened by needles. My mom chose no shots when we were growing ...


Medical ID Bracelets & Food Allergies

M.P. asks from Green Bay

I am looking at getting "advertising" (medical ID, zipper pulls, shoe tags, something) for my son's peanut allergy. He is young so it isn't like he is going to be awa...


Swelling After Epidural

J.B. asks from Dallas

After both my deliveries that I had with an epidural, my feet, ankles & lower legs swelled hugely. The doctors said that 25% of women have this and that nothing woul...


Developing Allergies

M.A. asks from Portland

Is it possible for a 4 year old to suddenly develop allergies? And how do tell/test to find out?


In Need of New OB GYN

G.S. asks from Dallas

Hello again ladies, First off, let me say that I really appreciate all of the amazing advice you all have given since I've been a member of mamasource. With that ...


Eczema Flare Ups from Food?

A.M. asks from Detroit

My daughter has bad eczema that occasionally flares up worse than normal. I can't find anything that might be causing the flare ups, everything has been consistent, e...


Son Has a Milk Allergy...

S.M. asks from Phoenix

I need some ideas on what to feed him. Since we found out he has been getting chicken nd veggies for just about every meal I need some other ideas!!!! TIA


All About Children Pediatrics, or Other Recommeneded Pedi

M.D. asks from Dallas

Hi, I just got Humana and my daughter needs a pediatrician as we recently moved to Mckinney. I have been recommended Dr Burton by one of my husbands coworkers...anyo...


Au Natural Labor???

A.L. asks from Salt Lake City

My question is this: Have any of you done a natural labor after doing an epidural with previous labor/delivery? I would like to try natural with just a local for the ...



J.S. asks from New York

Has anyone ever delivered without an epidural once they induced you with Pitocin? I know that contractions are supposed to be unbelievably strong with that drug, so ...