Allergist Referrals: Toddler, The First Years

Results 21-30 from 96 articles

My Toddler Is Extremely Picky Eater!

J.S. asks from Denver

My 2.5 year old son is a picky eater. My husband and I are SO frustrated! Our problem lately is that we are trying to be more consistent with having "family dinners" ...


What Is Going On! Toddler Sick Every 2 Weeks

A.S. asks from Reading

my son will be 2 in march. he is ALWAYS sick. he started out in a in home sitter now hes in daycare. he has a cold once every month or every 2 weeks. hes on a daily i...


Immune Issue in My Toddler?

J.M. asks from Cleveland

Hi ladies, OK, I'm freaking out a little. My son is only 14 months old and has been sick for most of his short life. He's had at least 15 ear infections and subs...


Types of Milk

D.P. asks from Houston

My son will be 1 year old next week and I was wondering about what type of mile I should start him on. Right now he is taking Enfamil Prosobee and I am not sure if I ...


Opinions on Recurring Ear Infections

D.P. asks from Raleigh

My almost 2 year old son has recurring ear infections and has had at least one per month since last October. We have another right now, and this time, we have been re...


Toddler Wakes Regularly & Seems Uncomfortable

C.E. asks from Dallas

My 14 month old has never been a good sleeper. Since he's been a newborn, we cycle through the gamut of solutions nightly: teething tablets, acetaminophen/ibuprofen, ...


Milk Allergy or Lactose Intolerance?

N.S. asks from Tucson

Hi moms! Our oldest daughter was allergic to the milk protein (casein) for the first 3 years of her life before suddenly growing out of it. Our middle son has total...


Should I Bring My Baby to Children's Memorial Hospital?

T.D. asks from Chicago

My son, almost 7 months old, has had excessive spitting up for months now. It began when he was 4 months but the problem became extreme around 5 months. By 6 months t...


Doctor Rec. for Eczema for All 3 of My Kids!

J.K. asks from Chicago

Hey Moms~ I was wondering if any of you have any good doctors that you can recommend for me to take my children. They all three have eczema - my 6 year old son has ...


Switch to Soy Milk at Age One

M.L. asks from New York

Our pediatrician says to give our daughter soy milk instead of the soy formula now that she is one. (Dairy allergy). But she doesnt eat much table food--some rice, ...