Asthma Medication: Older Child, Xopenex

Results 11-20 from 40 articles

Any Other Options You Have Tried for a Toddler's Very Severe Asthma?

A.K. asks from Norfolk

I am writing this in hopes to have any and all suggestions and personal experiences sent my way! My little guy who is now 3 years old has been battling asthma/allerg...


Cold->Asthma->Nebulizer-> Beastly Son :-(

M.P. asks from Green Bay

For the past year or so, it has been our experience that every time our son gets a cold, he gets "reactive airway disease" symptoms, which our Allergy/Asthma dr. is n...


Seeking Advice for My 2 Yr Old Diagnosed with Asthma

L.P. asks from New York

Hi Moms: I am hoping that there is a mom out there that can relate to what I am going through with my little boy. On his 2nd birthday (10/11) he started with a coug...


My 17 Month Old May Have Asthma, Need Some Advice

N.L. asks from Springfield

So we just got back from my daughters 15 month appt( it was late because we delayed her last set of shots) She has had a cough for months now and I brought her in to ...


18 Month Old Fights the Breathing Treatment

E.L. asks from Chicago

Ever since my sons first cold, he has been wheezing. Everytime he gets a cold it goes straight to his lungs. (We always seem to have a check up right when he gets a c...


Pulmacort and Abuterol Anyone Have a Child on Nebulizer....

K.C. asks from Syracuse

My 3 1/2 son has viral induced asthma. When he is on the nebulizer he is a completely different child. He crys over everything, super emtional and crazy moody. The do...


Anyone Familiar with Pulmicort

M.B. asks from Detroit

Anyone familiar with a medicine called pulmicort? It is a preventitive asthma medication. I am told it is also for allergies. It has been prescribed by my pediatricia...


Looking for a Pediatric Pulmonary Specialties

M.M. asks from Dallas

Hi! My 6 yr old daughter was diagnosed with Asthma two months ago, and I am still unable to control it. (and at this point wondering if she really has asthma) ...


Are Daily Treatments a Good Idea?

V.S. asks from San Antonio

My 3 year old has bad allergies which sometimes create breathing problems. The allergist wants him to take Singular every day and do a nebulizer treatment every nigh...


3 Weeks Til 8Th Birthday and My Son Still Wets the Bed

R.L. asks from Cleveland

How do I stop my to be 8 year old from wetting the bed? I can wake him up every hour while he sleeps and he still does it. Even as soon as he lays down and falls asle...