Breast Milk Supply & Production: Ameda

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4 answers

Ameda vs Medela Pump

I bought the Ameda pump and have only been able to pump a maximum of 1.5 oz with it, regardless of when I pump. I'm wondering if the Medela Pump N Style would pump more milk? Has anyone tried both pumps and noticed a difference in output?


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80 answers

Increasing Milk Supply

Just wondering about healthy ways to increase my milk supply. My daughter is 6 months old and I just returned to work fulltime. I would like to hear other moms suggestions on how to maintain my milk supply as it seems to be waining a bit. My plan is to nurse until she is a year old. Currently, I drink a lot of water throughout the day, drink a cup of Organic Mother's Milk tea once a day, and I pump every four hours. However, I am noticing that I get less and less each time I pump. Any suggestions that may help are welcome!


Nursing and Work

Hi, I am a working mother of a 4mth old and trying to nurse. I started...


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24 answers

Domperidone and Milk Supply

I have been struggling to get my milk supply up- my baby is about 7 weeks old and not a great nurser, plus I think my supply is just low to begin with. I'm seeing a lactation consultant (we're working on improving his latch) and am taking some supplements (fenugreek, More Milk Plus) and pumping with a rented hospital grade pump but my supply is still very low (I do think that pumping and the fenugreek have helped a little, and his latch is improving, but I'm not satisfied with the results yet). I also rented a scale to see how much he's...


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24 answers

Fun with Fenugreek

Hello Mamas, I’ve been having a serious problem with my supply for the past 3 weeks. Nursing is fine--- he seems fat and happy after he’s had a nursing session, but when I pump, I’m not getting enough. I’m having to pump 2, 3 sometimes 4 times to get the 4-6 oz that he needs for each bottle (he takes 2 bottles a day at daycare, plus they want to have extra in the fridge). Previously I had been following the normal routine of pumping at work at the same time he’s taking his bottle at daycare, but now I’m having to pump 2 or...

Mother's Milk Tea

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80 answers

Increasing Milk Supply

Just wondering about healthy ways to increase my milk supply. My daughter is 6 months old and I just returned to work fulltime. I would like to hear other moms suggestions on how to maintain my milk supply as it seems to be waining a bit. My plan is to nurse until she is a year old. Currently, I drink a lot of water throughout the day, drink a cup of Organic Mother's Milk tea once a day, and I pump every four hours. However, I am noticing that I get less and less each time I pump. Any suggestions that may help are welcome!


Low Milk Supply

I posted a request a couple of weeks ago about my milk not coming in yet. ...