My grandson is 10 days old. He will not nurse. When he was born he was tongue tied but they clipped it. My daughter had to resort to using formula in the hospital ...
I have a five week old baby boy and I am wondering what the best way to switch from breast milk to formula would be. He is exclusive breast feed, not from a bottle. ...
I am planning to breastfeed when my daughter is born in April. But I also want to be able to pump my milk so that my husband can feed her also. What is the best bottl...
I breastfed my daughter and although I am very glad I did so, it was at times extremely difficult. I am expecting a second child and want him to get the benefits of ...
I am 26 weeks right now. While I was not intending to breastfeed, due to financial reasons and pressure I have decided to. The thing is that I have very mixed feeling...
edited My daughter works full time and pumps so that her baby will have mostly breastmilk. Baby refuses breast in the evening and on the week ends now that she's ...
I had my daughter 5 days ago and am experiencing breast engorgement. I have tried heat, ice, pumping, and frequent nursing. I have been able to take care of the engor...
I have to travel for 3 days in September without my son who I am still nursing. I will pump while I am away but I wasn't sure the rules on traveling on a plane with ...
So, i have a 5 month old son who has yet to be introduced to a bottle, and at this point he's starting to take notice and interest in our cups and food. Does this mea...