My 4 month old weighs 20 lbs. now. He is VERY uncomfortable in the car seat we bought before he was born. Don't recall the brand now but we can barely buckle him up w...
My daughter is 8 and 1/2 months old. She weighs 19.5 lbs but here's the problem, she's 29 1/2 inches long. We have a really great car seat that goes up to 35 lbs re...
My 8 month old is almost to tall to ride safely in his infant carrier and I am looking to buy a new car seat for him. He is about 17 pounds and I would like to get a ...
I have a nine month old boy and we are starting to research car seats to transition him to. My question is twofold:
1. Our doctor told us Kansas law says a car seat ...
We started our baby out with a Graco travel system. I wish I would have done more research, as my 6 month old is about to grow out of the car seat and the stroller i...
I am looking for a good quality convertible car seat for my 5 month old son. He weighs 19 pounds and is 27 inches long. I have been looking on line & when reading t...
My 4 month old son( who is already 21 pounds and 28 inches in length), is growing out of his infant car seat and now I'm in the process of finding a reasonably priced...
hey moms,it's time for my little one to move into a bigger carseat, which one do i choose? i am getting one from my family for Christmas and i am overwhelmed by all t...
Hi all! Ok so I've been using a friend's convertible car seat for a month while I'm researching which one to buy. A month later I still feel a little lost. I've read ...
Hi mamas! I'm interested to hear your recommendations for a convertible car seat for when my daughter turns 1. I'm going to have to save money to get one, so I figu...