Childhood Illnesses: Infant, Xopenex

Results 1-10 from 29 articles

How to handle infant congestion?

S.G. asks from Dallas

My 5 month old son has been constantly congested for 2 months, and it has turned into two ear infections so far. He carries a fever of 100 - 102 with it, and it has o...


My Infant Has Major "Gunk" Again, What Can I Do?

H.B. asks from Dallas

Hello Moms! Ok, I am sure I am not the only child with this problem- especially since we live in the dfw area. It has gone from 80 degrees to 20 degrees in one wee...


10 Week Old Baby Boy with RSV

E.L. asks from Phoenix

My son has been coughing really bad lately. So on Wednesday of last week I took him to see his doctor. His doctor to me to use saline drops so I am cleaning his nose ...


Help - Sick Child for 7 Weeks Now...

C. asks from Charlotte

My son Caleb has been sick for going on 8 weeks now. I have had him back to the doctor 6 times now for this, and he has a follow-up appt. next week. The first w...


Just Found Out My Son Has Asthma

S.J. asks from Columbus

I just found out last month my 7 year old son has asthma. I don't know anyone who has asthma. The Dr. put him on Asmanex (once a day) and Xopenex (inhaler). I can han...


Is It Allergies, Asthma or Something Else? Please Help My Son.

M.L. asks from Washington DC

I am losing a battle. My son, who is now 2 1/2, was diagnosed with RSV at 3 months. Since then, he has suffered from horrible allergy like symptoms. It doesn't APP...


Need Suggestions to Help Daughter Recovering from Pneumonia!

S.B. asks from New York

Hi Everyone My 17 month old daughter was just released from the hospital with Pneumonia. This is the 2nd time shes had it and been hospitalized since october. Since ...


High Fever

D.S. asks from Charlotte

My baby was diagnosed with pneumonia on Thursday and given rocephen shot, then started on zithromycin on friday for five days. He finishes the antibiotic tomorrow. He...


Natural Help for Asthma and Allergies

K.B. asks from Chicago

Hi. My son was diagnosed with allegies and allergy induced asthma when he was 7 years old. We left the allergist's office with 6 different prescriptions. He is all...


21 Month Old Daughter Always Sick

M.S. asks from Dallas

Ok, I am a first time mom, but I can't help feeling like my little girl is ALWAYS sick. Since January, she has had 7 ear infections which have finally been put under...