Cooking: Baby Bjorn

44 answers

My Baby Wants to Constantly Be Held

My baby is 5 wks old and wants to be constantly held. I understand he hasn't learned to self soothe and maybe a little young for self-soothing. I love holding him but then I can't get anything done....shower, make dinner, laundry, etc. Sometimes he will play if I set him down but it depends on the hour and day. Often he wants to be held almost all day, when I put him down he starts crying (extremely loud). I have a baby borjn but he's too small for that right now. but even if I were to put it on I feel like I couldn't stand in front of a...

Eating In

See all 360 articles
102 answers

Carrier or Sling for a New Born

Just wondering what type of carrier or sling is recommend that anyone has used to carry a newborn. We have a Baby Bjorn but I know that the baby needs to be older with head control to use it. Thanks.


Baby Gear Advice

Hi! I was wondering if you could give me advice on the newest baby gear. ...


Not like to Cook

Hi, are there any mommies who do not like to cook (at all)!? If so, what do...