Costumes & Make Believe: Toddler, Luvs

Results 21-30 from 653 articles

7 Month Old Soaking Through Diaper and Pj's Overnight- Everynight!

L.P. asks from Chicago

My 7 month old son is 20 lbs. He sleeps great through the night but for the past 7 days he has been soaking thouh his diaper and clothes. I put him to bed on his ba...


My Eight Month Old Is Soaking His Bed

E.H. asks from Omaha

I am having a difficult time with my little man, who is eight months old today. He is soaking himself and his bed. We make sure that we change him everynight right be...


13 Month Old Keeps Overflowing Diaper at Night

A.B. asks from Kansas City

I have a 13 month old that must dream about water all night long!! I change him right before bed and all week he has woken up soaked. He literally overflows the dia...


Cooking for an 11 Month Old

K.H. asks from Dallas

Hi all you wonderful Mom's out there. I need some help. I am not a big cook, in fact my husband does most of the cooking (I am really lucky), but now since our daug...


16 Month Old with Strong Smelling Urine

H.D. asks from Madison

This may be totally normal, but I don't remember having this issue with my son who is now three. My daughter has very strong smelling urine. So bad that I often che...


Keeping 9 Month Old Dry at Night

S.M. asks from Minneapolis

Now that my 9 month old son is sleeping 12 hours at night, I'm having a hard time keeping him dry until morning. He soaks through his 2 sleepers. I've tried differen...


7 Month Old Diaper Rash and Lovey..

M.A. asks from Chicago

So my first was a girl, second a boy and I am not use to boy parts and all that son keeps getting small red bumps along his waist, redness at crease in thig...


Night Time Diapers for My 6.5 Month Old

D.G. asks from Chicago

The last two nights our 6.5 month old daughter has leaked through her diapers, clothing and sheets. This is probably a simple solution but are there nighttime diaper...


My 3 1/2 Month Old Leaks at Night

V.T. asks from Dallas

I'm looking for diaper recommendations for my 3 1/2 month old at night. She sleeps about 11 hours and her diapers just can't hold everything. I'm using the Pampers ...


Seven Month Old Waking up Wet

K.S. asks from Detroit

My seventh month old daughter wakes up soaked every morning. We put her to bed with a clean diaper and she sleeps 12-13 hours at night. By the time she wakes up she...