Diaper Rash: Safeway

Results 1-10 from 56 articles

Diaper Rash

T.S. asks from Phoenix

I have a one month old that has had a diaper rash since he was 3 days old. I tried every cream, ointment and balm known to the drugstore world and the rash just got ...


Diaper Rash

S.H. asks from Denver

I am having a unique experience with my 9 month old son. He is teething and is getting occasional diaper rash. I use Desitin because it is the only thing that worke...


Itchy Diaper Rash

C.H. asks from Portland

Hello, My 11 month old daughter has been suffering from a terrible diaper rash for about a month now. She is so uncomfortable and itchy that she tears at herself wh...


Diaper Rash! What Do You Do When Desitin Doesn't Work?

K.R. asks from Chicago

Do you have any remedy recommendations for a nasty diaper rash? The skin is broken in the size of a quarter on one little butt cheek, pink everywhere else. My 20 mo...


I Need Diaper Rash Help!

C.W. asks from Redding

My poor baby girl has been sick with the "common cold" (so the doctor says everyweek when I bring her in!) and because of this she has had slight diarrhea which has c...


How to Heal a Horrible Diaper Rash?

A.S. asks from Portland

My son, who is 6 1/2 months old, has been constipated ever since we started him on solid foods. He just goes a little bit each diaper change. This has been going on f...


Help - My 13 Month Old Has a Bad Diaper Rash!

A.L. asks from Norfolk

My 13 month old daughter developed a sudden diaper rash with two very raw areas that look like popped blisters (approx 2 cm in diameter)right where her bottom cheeks ...


What Brand of Diaper Do You Recommend?

S.H. asks from Waco

My youngest child is almost a year old and recently she has been leaking through her diaper. I have 3 other children and have always used either Wal-Mart or Babies '...


"Seeking Advice About a Better Diaper"

M.K. asks from Amarillo

Help! I am so tired of changing crib sheets every morning! (sometimes in the middle of the night). My sweet little 2 year old boy must pee pee all night long becaus...


Diaper Rash Treatments

L.T. asks from Seattle

Thanks for all the responses. It was a yeast infection and eczema, all better now though.