Digestion: Teddy Bears

42 answers

7-Week Old Won't Sleep on Her Back

My little girl sleeps perfectly when I'm holding her...when I put her down, she screams. I know I'm being a wimp, but I spend many nights holding her all night so she doesn't cry. Sometimes I'm able to set her down when she's fast asleep - on her side or in the bouncer. If I place her flat on her back, she startles herself and wakes up - every time. She simply can't sleep on her back because she flails her arm and legs all over the place. Help! Anyone else ever experienced this? Does it get better? S I've tried swaddling, but she...

Gas & Gas Drops

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23 answers

Getting a Baby to Sleep Longer Through the Night.

Just wondering if anyone had any tips, techniques, advice on getting a baby to sleep longer through the night. I have a 7 week old who was sleeping 5 to 6 hours through the night but now is starting to only sleep 3 hours. He does wake up sometimes because he has gas (any advice on that would be helpful too - I think if he didn't have gas he might be sleeping longer too). I breastfeed him and he sleeps in a bassinet right next to me (and every sound he makes tends to wake me up). Thanks for the help.


Loss of a Child

I was wondering what I should send to my friends family. They recently lost...


Gas in Atlanta

Ladies for those living in Atlanta you know the gas situation it is driving...


See all 11 articles
13 answers

Toilet Training--no Diapers at All or Underwear

My daughter is now 2 years and 4 months and seems interested in potty. She'll sit and pretend to go, but doesn't actually pee or poop. She will also practice using her teddy bears. Recently, she has not wanted to wear diapers at home and will take off her pants and diaper. However, I can't get her to wear underwear, so she'll just go naked. I was wondering what other moms have done--do you go diaper and everything free for a while until they actually use the potty or do you try to get them in underwear and acutal have them take it on...