Discipline: Child, The First Years

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52 answers

Best Books for 5 Year Old

I am going to get a few story books for my niece who is turning 5 and I need a few ideas. What are your 4-5 year olds' favorite books? I know she likes Click Clack Moo...


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16 answers

An Unmotivated 6 Year Old!

Help! I have a 6 yr. old daughter whose only motivation is TV. We just got her report card (she's in first grade) and basically it says that she takes the easy way out and is not meeting her potential. We absolutely see the same things at home. This girl is bright and funny, but only wants to do things that she wants to do. Anything that is given to her, she will put BARE minimum of effort into! Helping her with her homework is a nightmare as she breaks down into tears at a moment's notice. I rarely, if ever, watch TV. Her soon-to...