Could you please share your secrets on online household shopping? I'm looking to save time and money and I'm considering to start to shop online for everyday items li...
I am not super "Green", but am trying to do my part. I have decided that as my current cleaning products run out I will be replacing them with more earth (and people)...
I have tried Meijer's Whisper soft diapers size 5, I didn't like them...The tabs pulled off, and the stuffing kept coming out the top. Has anyone tried any other stor...
I'm a stay-at-home mom with three little ones. My husband finished grad school last year and works like crazy for us, but even with his "new and improved salary", I'...
Hey everyone...just wondering if any of you have used on-line sites to get your coupons from. If so what are your favorite sites? Which ones didn't you like or use?...
Hi... I know, this is my 3rd question in like 24 hours... but I am curious...
We are going to be useing cloth diapers on our 4th babe. He is due in 3 months. I do...
My daughter has recently been diagnosised with eczema. The cream her pediatrician gave us initially helped some, but it hasn't completely gone away. I am looking fo...
I'm looking for a new shower cleaner that works well and requires little scrubbing to get out the yucky grime and soap scum. I have trouble getting the mildew out of...
I was at a party yesterday and the subject came up. Everyone was shocked that I said no, I wasn't looking forward to it. Yes, I'm looking forward to summer days on th...
Okay..I see people posting savings from vendor coupons, and store coupons..but I have yet to see anyone here in Michigan post anything about how much money they save....