My son is 8 months old and weighs 22 pounds. It is time to buy a new car seat. I need suggestion on buying a convertible car seat. Currently we have the baby trend ca...
My son is 6 months old and already over 20 lbs and therefore outgrowing his 1st car seat/carrier. So I'm starting to look into getting him a new car seat. I know he...
We are about to purchase a new car seat for our one year old. We are trying to decide what brand to get and whether or not to get the convertible or not. Any sugges...
My son is almost 10 months old and we need to buy a new car seat for him soon. He is very skinny (he's in then 20th percentile for weight) but very long (in t...
I've come upon the age old dilema - which car seat do I buy? My 6 month old daughter has outgrown her infant car seat. She is 19 pounds and 28 inches tall. Current...
My 4 month old is a big girl, and we'll be in the market for a new car seat soon. I need something that will go from rear facing to forward facing. At the rate she ...
Hello, ladies. I have a son who will be 13 months old when we travel on a plane. The flight is about 5.5 hours. My question is should I bring his Britax Marathon cars...
My twin sons will be ready for a forward facing booster by the age of 12 -14 months. They will be in the early 20# range and ready to move on. I need you advice on ...