Gripe Water: Preschooler

Results 71-80 from 260 articles

Any "Natural" Product Recommendations for Gasey/fussy Newborn That Spits Up?

J.R. asks from Los Angeles

Proud new mama to a 2 week old little boy! He is breastfed and seems to be having trouble digesting his milk. He projectile vomits at least once a day and is fussy/...


Infant Chiropractor for Reflux?

B.C. asks from Dallas

Hi- My son 5 weeks is having problems with reflux. Dr prescribed Zantac for him. However I hate to give him medicine so young. Is anyone familiar with pediatric chiro...


Severe Gas in a Newborn

A.R. asks from Cincinnati

My daughter is 5 days old and every night except for one she has been up screaming with gas pains. Last night she screamed from 11pm until 4am. I can hear her poor ...


Todller Has Gasy Painful Stomach!

S.O. asks from Lansing

My daughter is 17 months old and has (I think) a very gasy tummy. I believe her tummy is upset. What can I do to soothe her????? PLEASE HELP US-I feel AWFUL FOR HER!


Gasy or Colic?

J.A. asks from Philadelphia

I have a five week old boy and I am breastfeeding and he is really gasy. When he is not sleeping or eating he is crying. He passes gas alot and I am asuming that it i...


Digestive Issues in My 9 Month Old

M.H. asks from Sarasota

I am calling the doctor today, but wanted to get other experiences as well. My little girl is having major digestive issues now that I am giving her more finger food...


Tips for a Fussy Infant??

H.P. asks from Dallas

Good morning! I have a baby boy who will be 1 month old on Friday. He is a very fussy baby!! I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to make it better (for eve...


Early Wake-up Time

M.O. asks from Chicago

My 19 month old daughter has been waking up earlier and earlier for the past 2 weeks or so. She takes an afternoon nap from about 12:30-2:00. We take her to bed at ...


Brand New Baby with Gas

T.P. asks from Wichita Falls

My brand new nephew (age 1 1/2 months) is having a terrible time with gas. He is on similac formula, was breast feeding until 2 weeks ago. is mother had some Soy form...


5 Year Old Constipated

K.C. asks from Providence

Hi everyone I'm writing for the benefit of a family member whose daughter only makes a bowel movement about every 8 days. She has tried miralax and other laxatives w...