My 2 month old son has always seemed to have issues with my milk. From the beginning, it made him very gassy and uncomfortable. He moves non-stop while feeding, lik...
I AM SOOOO DESPERATE FOR HELP!!! my son is 6 months old and has VERY sensitive skin. he screams most of the day, cant sleep other than 10 min at a time when he wears...
My son will be 21 months old this month. Since he has been just a little over 1 year old I've occasionally noticed that his face, right around his mouth, breaks out i...
My 20 month old son has an odd rash. It is only on the groin area (actually the 'pubic' area). There is nothing on his bottom just there. I think it probably itche...
DD is 6.5 months and just started daycare. She needs bug repellant, as she is getting about one bite per day. I really want something that will definitely work. I've...
We are on vacation and yesterday/today was the first time that my 2-year-old has been in a pool. This afternoon we noticed a huge puffy reddish/pink patch on his inn...
My son is 4 months old with really bad eczema. The sad part is that it mainly covers his face so some people look at him funny. I feel horrible for him. Our Pediatric...
My kiddo has had a temp for a few days now (since Tues). It ranges from low 99's with meds to 102 when meds wear off. On Tues night she took a shower. I usually sl...
My 3 year old daughter has always had mild eczema on her legs -- just a few dry pink patches that were not itchy. Usually worse in the winter. She had over ten patc...
I have an almost 8 month old son that recently has had allergic reactions to "something". It only happens when he eats solid foods. He will get red, streaky, and puff...