Illnesses: Gerry

8 answers

Looking for Pediatrician

I am looking for a new pediatrician as the current one is not very responsive or compassionate as I hoped. The earlier referrals with St. Lukes group is not possible as they currently are not taking new pts. I have a 21 month old with a not so common metabolic disorder...any other referrals out there? Has anyone heard anything about a Dr. Epstein who works in CWE? That is kind of far for me. I live in the Maryland Hts area. Thanks very much


Baby Boy Name

We are expecting our third child in March, and for some reason, I'm having a...


14 answers

Does Anyone Else Have a Child with Autism?

My daughter will be turning 6 at the end of the month and she just started in Kindergarten. She was diagnosed with autism about a year ago, and since then we have been through so much therapy, I feel like I could almost do it myself. She also has SID and is hyposensitive--meaning she is without fear and loves to jump off of things that cause mom to have heart failure. She is talking now, but she still has times when she gets very emotional. I am just looking for other moms with children who have autism, to talk or just trade stories...