Illnesses: Toddler, Meijer

Results 41-50 from 139 articles

Who Should We Use to Clean Our Carpets?

T.S. asks from Chicago

We have hard wood in 95% of our home. The only places that have carpeting are the bedrooms for our boys. The carpeting is about 2.5 years old and yesterday one of o...


Cloth Diapers at Night?

J.B. asks from Detroit

My son will be 6 months at the end of the month and I've switched him over to cloth diapers now that he eating some solid foods. I had trouble with my first son in c...


Mom Seeking Sippy Cup for Picky Baby

M.F. asks from Youngstown

My baby is almost 10 months and he refuses a bottle and cant figure out a sippy cup at all BUT he can kinda drink out of a regular cup, I have tried a couple differen...


Small 3-Year Old Needs to Gain Weight

G.Z. asks from Charleston

Please help! Our 3-year old boy hasn't gained any weight in the last year since his 2-year checkup. He still weighs 24 pounds. He's always been small and low on the c...


Hasn't It Been Long Enough???

I.C. asks from Columbus

Hi Moms, It is really hard for me to share this, but I have to tell somebody. We have been in a financial mess for over three years now. I am just about at ...


New Dog

C. asks from Chicago

Hi, Well we just lost our 8 year old beagle just over two weeks ago due to a illness and we got a call Thursday from my brother who is looking for a new home for t...


Name Brand Vs. Store Brand Formula

S.K. asks from Lansing

Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone uses the Target brand baby formula. Right now we're using Enfamil Lipil Premium. The last time I was at Target I compared th...


Food Allergy Advise Needed

C.K. asks from Saginaw

My 4 yr old, we have learned is allergic to corn and all corn by-products (corn syrup). I have a list of do's & dont's from the allergist but there is only so many wa...


Prenatal Vitamins

T.B. asks from Detroit

I am just pregnant with my 2nd child & wondering if anyone can recommend a good generic brand prenatal vitamin. I am currently taking Stuart prenatal vitamins & took...


Food Allergies

D.P. asks from Provo

I recently found out this week that my six month old son has food allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, milk and eggs. (He is getting it through my breastmilk!!) I am f...