Labor & Delivery: Enfamil

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7 answers

Formula Choices at Plano Presby

Has anyone who recently had a baby at Plano Presby know if they offer Enfamil at the hospital? I am planning on BFing, but curious in case I have BF issues like I had with my last baby. Thanks!

Home Birth

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20 answers

Enfamil Gentlease for a Gassy Baby?

We currently use Enfamil Lipil for our one-month old and he seems to respond quite well to it. He does, however, seem to have quite a bit of gas. Has anyone tried the Enfamil Gentlease formula for gassy babies and would you recommend it?


Similac Vs. Enfamil

Hello Mommies! I have a newborn, only 13 days old. We've figured out she...