Language: Preschooler, Target

Results 31-40 from 1,370 articles

What Is Your 3 Year Old Doing?

M.B. asks from Florence

My son will be 3 in May. It seems like all the other boys his age are more advanced in some areas then he is. It seems like he is a little more babyish than others. I...


Teaching My 4 Year Old and 18 Month Old to Read??

N.M. asks from Phoenix

Hello there mamas, lately, I've been hearing about my baby can read system and 2-4 year old reading.. Is this really true? Has anyone really tried this system? I r...


My 3 Year Old Son's Father Is Requesting a Speech Therapist!

A.C. asks from Wilmington

I have a 3 year old son who's father is making claims that he believes he has a speech problem, and has already today made an appointment with a therapist. He claims ...


Suggestions for 4 Year Old Birthday Party

J.H. asks from Billings

Hi, My daughter is turning 4 on April 1st, and has decided that she wants a dog themed birthday party. She will be inviting about 6 kids. Has anyone done a party li...


Gift for Newly Adopted 4 Year Old Boy

A.W. asks from Charlotte

My dear friend just adopted a 4 year old boy from Russia and I am at a loss as to what to give her/him as a gift. She has the means to buy him whatever she wants, bu...


Atheist Mom Needs Help Explaining Death to a 4 Year Old

C.S. asks from Los Angeles

Are there any other atheist moms out there who have explained death to there children? I have a sensitive 4 year old daughter who has been asking to visit her great-g...


What Do I Do for My 3 Year Old's Stuffy Nose???

A.H. asks from Allentown

Hi. Anyone else out there try to buy cold medicine this season for your toddler and finding that evertyhing has been taken off the market for cold medicine for kids u...


Soon to Be 4 Year Old Not Learning Colors

J.T. asks from Boca Raton

My son will be 4 in April and I and his preschool have noticed that he isn't doing very well learning his colors. I will admit that this is something that I have not...


How Do I Get My 15 Month Old to Speak?

C.G. asks from Amarillo

Hi, well here is my question. We recently took my 15 month old to the Pedia & she asked if he spoke at least 4 full words. The answer No! He says Dada to my husband &...


3 Year Old Playing on Her Own

M.W. asks from Washington DC

My daughter will be 3 at the end of January. I don't know if it's just me, or if there are other toddlers like this... but she doesn't seem to want to play on her own...