My son is recovering from viral bronchiolitis. We have him on antibiotics, and are doing breathing treatments with albuterol 3 times a day. My question is does anyone...
My son is 7 months old. At birth, he aspirated meconium and had a pneumothorax. He was in the NICU for a week.
This winter he has had wheezing twice where you can...
My 3-year old went to the dr today for a persistant cough that came on with no viral or bacterial origin. She was diagnosed with RAD (reactive airway disease) in Aug...
My daughter is 17 months old and getting a tooth in. So, in true teething fashion she started with a runny nose a couple of days ago and then today was coughing and ...
My 10 month old has a very sensitive gag reflex and throws up very easily when he coughs. Ever since he was an infant, if he drank too fast and I didn't burp him oft...
My 6 year old DD has frequent barking croupy coughs at night which can last for hours. She seems to fill with mucus and often coughs until she vomits. When she vomi...
It all started on Christmas day, my 2 yr old had a flu bug and was throwing up all day, better by the next day. Two weeks later he had a fever & vomiting again all w...
Hey there, fellow parents!
My 3.5 year-old son has viral-induced asthma - only exhibits asthma symptoms when he gets a cold/upper-respiratory infection/virus.
Our boy has started acting aggressive since before 18 months. He started pinching and hasn't really stopped. I have tried everything, and it comes and goes. He has re...
It has been 2 weeks sincer her "diagnosis" & her breathing has been fine, but we went to a friend's house yesterday w/ a cat, bird & pollen haven & it sent her into a...