Medicines: Infant, Claritin

Results 1-10 from 77 articles

Has Anyone Ever Had a 2Yr Old Be Unresponsive While Taking Children's Claritin?

S.H. asks from Washington DC

My 2yr old son has been taking Claritin for 3days now and I got a call from the daycare this morning saying he went limp and unresponsive. They couldn't wake him up s...


Taking Medication While Breastfeeding

L.L. asks from Tucson

Hey everyone! It's been windy here the past couple of days and today I woke up sneezing, runny nose and watery eyed. So far I've been coping with my allergies patien...


Any Relief for a Coughing Baby?

A.N. asks from Cleveland

Hi Everyone, My 18-month-old daughter has a cold and coughed all night long last night, so we're all miserable. I used to give her some Tylenol Cough and Cold for ...


Ecezma Sixteen Month Old

L.L. asks from Fort Myers

ANYONE out there know of a good remedy or (management regime for ecezma). So far , this is the list of what I've done and am doing. Nothing has helped him really. 1....


Allergies in a Breast Feeding Mom

B.G. asks from Barnstable

Are there any allergy meds that are safe enough to take while breastfeeding? I heard claritin was ok but not sure. Has anyone tried it?



D.M. asks from Joplin

guys my little one (5 years)is suffering from major allergies. I am giving him zyrtec and singulair(starting today)was giving claritin but had to switch to somethin...


Advice for Chronic Headaches/sinus Pain/neck Pain

S.G. asks from Saginaw

I am 36 and have been having alot of neck/tension pain for the past year. I have gone to a chiropractor for years and recently switched to another one because they w...


Need Help with Persistent Toddler Cough

K.H. asks from Johnson City

My 2 1/2 has had a horrible cough for over 3 weeks now. Her peditrician suggested Delsym first. We tried this and it did not touch the cough at all. The cough got wor...


3-Year-old and Seasonal Allergies

A.H. asks from Chicago

My three-year-old son had aparently gotten my allergies, as this summer he has steadily gone from a wonderful little (despite that terrible twos bit still lingering) ...


Headaches Every Night

S.H. asks from Dallas

Help! I'm wondering if anyone else is experiencing headaches **nightly** right now. I am almost certain it's a result of the moisture in the air. I've had troubles ...