Mental Health & Learning Disabilities: Toddler, The First Years

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17 answers

1 Year Old Waking up at Night and Crying for an Hour or More

My one year old was sleeping through the night and actually was a great sleeper for a long time. However this past week he’s woken up in the middle of the night crying (3 times) and won’t go back to sleep. I’ve given in and gave him a bottle (8oz) which he’s drank all of (all three nights…I let him cry it out for about an hour but he wasn’t stopping and was screaming by that point). So my question is, what is going on??? Could it be a growth spurt since he chugs the whole thing down or he just started walking and is that why...


My Son Is a Bully

I am in desperate need of discipline strategies. My 2 1/2 year old son is...


Very Touchy Question.

I have a very touchy question to ask, so i need your true and honest opinion...

Counseling & Therapy

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17 answers

Is First Years or Evenflo Breast Pumps Any Good?

When my son and daughter were born premature, the WIC offices where I lived provided a motorized Medella pump supplied from a medical supply store. Obviously this was very good. I know that Medellas are sold in Target but I also seen other brands. Is there an "off" brand ie, Evenflo, First Years, etc. that is comparable but without the price??