Milk Storage: Infant, Avent

Results 41-50 from 433 articles

Breastfed Baby Won't Take Bottle

D.C. asks from Tampa

I am having trouble getting my 3 month old breastfed baby to take a bottle. I am going back to work soon and dad needs to give him a bottle of pumped breast milk whi...


Baby Can't Stay Latched on and Seems to Need More Milk than I Can Provide

C.Q. asks from San Francisco

I have a 3 month old baby girl and for the past week she doesn't seem to want to stay on my breasts. She would latch on, suck a few times, then come off. I have tri...


Baby Is So Gassy, Should I Change to Formula?

A.B. asks from Reno

My baby is two months old and for the last couple of weeks, he's been very gassy. I've been pumping my milk and giving him from the bottle since he was one week old,...


Suggestion for Infant Formula That Creates Less Gas

A.R. asks from Chicago

Hello: I am hoping that one of you might be able to point me in the right direction. I am looking for a formula that creates less gas for my 2 week old son. We are...


Need Bottle Recommendations for My Breastfed Baby

A. asks from Houston

We've been struggling to get our 2 and a half month old to take a bottle. We've given him a bottle of breast milk a couple of times a week since he was about a month...


Breast Pump

T.C. asks from Detroit

What breast pump do you recommend? I was thinking about the medela but using avent bottles. The lady at the store said avent bottles have more nipple options than m...


Breastfed Baby Won't Take the Bottle!

A.M. asks from Los Angeles

My 2 month old baby is doing well with breastfeeding and has been from the beginning. We started to introduce breast milk in a bottle to him at about 4 weeks in the h...


First Baby Food

C.W. asks from Minneapolis

hello moms - my question is when did u start giving baby rice cereal and how did you give it to the baby and when and how often. (bottle or spoon feed?) my daughter i...


Formula Feeding My Baby, HELP!

K.L. asks from San Diego

We are expecting our first baby very soon, and I am in need of help in figuring out the whole formula/bottle thing. I had breast surgery five years ago, and won't be...


What Is Your Favorite Bottle for Breastfed Baby?

S.S. asks from Sioux City

Hello! My husband and I are getting prepared for our baby who is due in July. I am planning on breastfeeding him as much as possible but, need to have some bottles ...