Money: Enfamil

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26 answers

Enfamil or Similac

Hi ladies, I am wondering if any of you have had the experience of using both of these brands and can help me make a decision on which to go with. I used Similac Isolmil Advanced with my daughter but just read a study that the Enfamil ProSobee Lipil has higher levels of nutrients in it than the Similac. I am so used to the name brand Similac that using something different worries me without some input. If any of you could share your experiences with me I would appreciate it! Also, just in case, I am not at all against breast feeding and...


Career or Baby

I'm 25 years old and getting ready to finish college. My husband is several...

Recurring Expenses

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46 answers

Best Formula for Newborns

Hi, I am having a baby in 5 weeks and am unsure what formula to feed my baby. This is my second child. My first child we gave her Similac as the hospital offered however she spit up a lot and we ended up putting her on Similac Soy which still seemed very harsh on her belly. I've been told by many friends that they prefer Enfamil however the prices are so high for both Similac and Enfamil. I am wondering if anyone prefers any other "generic" cheaper brands or any comments on whether to try to Similac again with this child or switch to...