Nursing Pillow: First Years

Results 31-40 from 61 articles

Infant Sleeping in Parents' Bed

J.S. asks from Sacramento

Quick question for moms out there who slept with their newborn/infant. What worked for you in terms of keeping baby safe while sleeping in your bed? Did you use an in...


What's Your Number One, Must-have Product?

S.M. asks from New York

Our baby is due the end of July. We live in just under 500sq ft, a normal one bedroom in Manhattan. The only thing we have in the apartment for the baby is the crib, ...


Won't Take a Bottle

C.M. asks from Toledo

I breastfeed my 2 month old. I would sometimes like her to take a bottle of I am away from Her for a short time. When I try to give Her a bottle she just licks at i...


4-Month Old Refusing Bottle!

A.F. asks from St. Louis

Hello- I am looking for any tips or suggestions. We introduced a bottle at 6 weeks and my son did great (breastmilk). Now, since returning to work, he won't take it...


If You Had to Do It All over Again, What Would You NOT Buy?

M.O. asks from Sacramento

Hi mamas! I have two munchkins that broke the bank - I bought everything "they" said I needed and then some. With the economy the way that it is, is there anything ...


My 5 1/2 Month Old Rolls over in Sleep Wakes Himself Up!!!!

T.N. asks from Boston

Hello! Help!!! I was just getting used to my son sleeping through the night when....he rolls over onto his belly, and gets mad. He doesn't know how to get himself ...


What Do You Really NEED for a New Born?

E.B. asks from Santa Barbara

We're trying to plan and be as prepared as necessary for our first born who is scheduled to arrive in Sept. We do not want to have lots of unnecessary "stuff". We a...


Baby Registry Help

B.R. asks from Dallas

We are expecting our first child. I am starting to register and I was wondering some items that are 'must haves' and some that we should skip. Any advice is greatly...


7 Week Old Only Sleeps Held or with Mom/dad

C.Q. asks from San Francisco

I have a 7 week old baby girl who has rejected the bassinet from day one. We tried for over a week to help her sleep in the bassinet but with no success. We tried p...


First Time Mom- Baby Shower- What to Ask For.

S.B. asks from Gainesville

Hello moms ! I am 5 months pregnant, and have no family here. I have had the same job for 4 years, and my supervisor at work is dead set on throwing me a baby shower....