Overstimulated: Princess

36 articles

Crying Baby Does Not Want Family to Hold Her....

V.I. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter is 3 ½ month old. In the last 3 weeks she has not want family or friends holding her. Each time I give her to a family/friend she begins to scream very l...


I Need Help with My Colic Baby

L.P. asks from Chicago

i'm a new mom and i need some advice... i have an 8 week old baby who is very fussy at times and some of the time a perfect angel(when she is sleeping). she only sle...


Inexpensive 2 Yr Old Birthday Party Ideas WANTED

E.C. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter will turn 2 in April and I am looking for inexpensive party ideas. At this age you also have to entertain not only the kids, but the adults and it starts...


Is It Wrong to Not Throw a Party Every Birthday?

R.V. asks from Tulsa

I just lost my job last month. We've decided I will stay home with the kids until the market settles down. To ease the stress of my husband, I've cut back on a LOT ...


Seeking Advice on the Baby Wise Feed/Wake/Nap Routine

T.H. asks from Monroe

My little girl is 3 weeks old today and I have read the Baby Wise book. It came highly recommened by friends and my pediatrician. She is doing great on the feeding e...


Five Hour Plane Ride

R.S. asks from Las Vegas

My family and I are planning to take a trip to New Jersey where my husband's family lives. It is a five hour plane ride, and my daughter hates being in her car seat a...