Pets & Dander: Infant, Epi

Results 11-20 from 132 articles

Peanut Allergy

T.R. asks from New York

We just found out that my daughter has a high level of peanut allergy. Her egezema is out of control (her back feels like alligator skin). We have medicine to contr...


Son Wanting a Kitten/cat Extended Family Is Allergic

S.C. asks from Detroit

So, My son really wants a cat (we have tried asking him about a dog and he DOES NOT want one) there is a few concerns on my part..My sister (who visits maybe twice a...


Baby with a Milk Allergy

J.P. asks from Kansas City

I have an 8 month old with a milk allergy. He cannot have anything that contains milk or he gets really sick, vomits, rash, diarrhea and swelling. I am out of ideas...


Living with a Milk Protein Allergy

K.L. asks from Savannah

My son was officially diagnosed with a milk protein allergy last friday (after beign suspicious for months). He is 14 months old and has been doing very well with so...


Infant Allergies

D.H. asks from Miami

My daughter has had horrible eczema since she was two months old (she is now 5 1/2). Last week, we had her blood drawn for an allergy test. Today we find out she is...


Allergy Testing in 20 Month Old?

S.R. asks from Phoenix

Hi mamas, My older son had allergy testing at 4.5 and after we found out what he is allergic to (bermuda grass and cats) we treat him Jan-May when he is at his worst...


What Would You Do? a Question About My 5 Year Olds Allergy

L.T. asks from Philadelphia

My son is 5 and a few months ago he began breaking out in hives all over arms, chest, stomach, back, and even his butt and thighs. He also gets an occasional swollen ...


1 Year Old with Eczema and a Peanut Allergy

H.P. asks from Chicago

I have a 1 year old son who has had severe eczema since birth. 3 months ago he had a severe allergic reaction to what we believe to have been a peanut. I took him t...


Is It a Milk Allergy or Lactose Intolerance? Should I Do What the Ped Says?

J.G. asks from Chicago

My daughter turned one year old on July 1st and we started giving her cow's milk around that time. I think she has a milk allergy because she gets a red rash on her f...


Allergy Testing and Treatment for Young Children.

D.G. asks from Portland

My 5-yr-old has had allergy symptoms such as a runny nose, nasal congestion, and coughing since he was an infant. When this happens, I give him children's Zyrtec and ...