Sleep Problems: Infant, Baby Einstein

Results 1-10 from 226 articles

Sleep Problems

G.W. asks from Los Angeles

My 21 month old daughter has been a good sleeper for some time & gave up the bottle without any fuss around 14 months. She has never had any other comfort items, alt...


Infant Reflux

J.H. asks from Los Angeles

A friend of mine, brand new mother of a 1 month old baby, is having problems with infant reflux. Is there a suggestion to help her with this? As far as I know, she ...


Problems with Infant in a Car

D.T. asks from Dallas

My grand daughter is 5 months old. She has never been a good rider in the car. I thought she might be car sick, or I thought maybe her car seat was not comfortable,...


6 Month Old Sleep Problems?

C.C. asks from New York

Hi, My little girl just turned 6 months old and has always been a good sleeper. Lately during bedtime/naptime she will roll back and forth in her crib and can't fall...


Breastfeeding and Sleeping Problems

F.G. asks from Austin

Since day one, my 6 week old baby Elizabeth has been a very good baby. She was a good eater, a good sleeper, and very relaxed. She latches on correctly, and eats to...


4 Month Old Having Problems Sleeping at Night

C.L. asks from San Francisco

Last night was rough because for some reason, my 4 month old just didn't want to go to sleep. In the past, I was able to breastfeed him and then put him to bed. But...


Co Sleeping Not for Me

K.L. asks from Phoenix

My son is 6 weeks old and loves to sleep on my chest to nap or at night. When I put him in his basinet (asleep) he wakes himself up and cries. I have tried to sing to...


Sleeping Problems with Almost 1 Year Old

A.L. asks from Chicago

I am at a loss, and at my wits end. My daughter, who will be 1 in June, is a horrible sleeper. She hates going to bed, as soon as you walk into her room she starts ...


Problems Falling Asleep

I.K. asks from Chicago

Hello Moms: I have a 22 months old girl who is having problems falling asleep. It usually takes about 1hr 30 mints to 2 hrs for her to fall asleep, even with me in...


Needing Advice on Traveling with an Infant

L.C. asks from Houston

my family will be leaving for vacation soon... this includes an 8 hour plave ride and then 7 days away from home. i have never been on an airplane before and am compl...