Solid Foods & Weaning: Infant, Teddy Bears

Results 1-10 from 26 articles

Weaning from Breastfeeding

L.C. asks from Austin

My daughter is 16 months old and still breastfeeding, in addition to eating 'adult' food. She can drink from a sippy cup or bottle, and has started drinking cow's mil...


Weaning off a 2 Year Old... Need Help

G.G. asks from Philadelphia

I have been nursing my 24 month old baby girl ever since she was born. At birth she was detected with a milk protein allergy. She took a top feed as well but at 4 mon...


How Hard Should It Be to Get a Baby to Take a Pacifier?

K.L. asks from Washington DC

I would like to be a able to use a pacifier with my 2-month-old daughter, but she usually spits it out. My mom had some success with getting her to take it in the fi...


How My 5 Yr Old Interacts Is Beautiful but When It Comes Tme to to Go to Sleep ?

C.R. asks from Topeka

I am afraid to ask but here it goes I have a 5 yr old son and he is very smart for someone his age and very loving but still very picky on what he drinks and eats esp...


Grandma Looking for Sleep Advice

L.T. asks from South Bend

We have a new grandaughter and both her and her mom live with us. she was just born and is only 6 days old. My daughter does not want to get the baby in the habit of ...


"Seeking Advice on Moving My Two Year Old to Her Own Bed"

N.S. asks from San Diego

I could sure use some advice and would really love to hear from those of you who have tried a family bed and then transitioned a toddler to a big bed. My daughter is...


I Need HELP!

T.L. asks from Columbia

My daughter will be 8 months old on the 26th. she got colic when she was 6 weeks old so i had to rock her to sleep & continue to hold her while she was sleeping... we...


Need Fake hair...for My Daughter to Sleep With!!!

A.L. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, I need suggestions. Since my daughter was a little baby she has used my hair as her security blanket. She's now 22 months and still needs my hair to fall as...


How Do I Get My 21 Month Old off the Bottle?

J.C. asks from Honolulu

My daughter will be turning 2 in June and I would like to get her off the bottle. We do offer her a drinking cup (regular one’s with the spout and even the ones wi...


Help Stop Breatst Feeding and Get 8 Month Out of the Bed!

L.T. asks from Norfolk

Love my baby girl and have no problem leting her sleep in our bed. My man has not complained at all. But I know he is not really happy with it. It is just that I can ...