Soothing & Comforting: Toddler, Miracle Blanket

Results 21-30 from 459 articles

Four Month Sleeps in Swing

A.Y. asks from Boston

My four and half month old daughter has always been a really bad sleeper. She needs constant movement to stay asleep. She has been sleeping in a cradle swing for almo...


8 Month Old Still Needs to Be Swaddled to Sleep

K.K. asks from New York

Hi mamas, I'm hoping some of you can give me advice about getting my son to sleep better. We have always swaddled my 8 month old at naps and at night, which has u...


5 Month Old in Swadddle

J.M. asks from Boston

My (just turned) 5 month old sleeps well in her swaddle with one feed per night about 3 am, but the last 3 nights she has been heard making noise from trying to bust ...


Bigger Swaddle Wraps?

L.C. asks from Seattle

My son is outgrowing his current swaddles (Kiddopotamus), and because he wriggles out of them in the middle of the night or during naps, he wakes up more frequently. ...


3 Month Old Not Falling Asleep Before 11Pm-midnight

K.D. asks from Denver

Our 3 month old boy is falling asleep after nursing during the bedtime routine that starts at 7pm. I let him sleep in my arms until he is deeply asleep, yet he awakes...


Getting 3 1/2 Month Old to Sleep

K.A. asks from San Francisco

Hi, I don't get on here much anymore since my baby was born. He's not a good daytime sleeper. I take the blame, since I hold him as much as possible, he hasn't l...


Miracle blanket/Swaddling

S.W. asks from Dallas

I am trying desperately to keep my 7 month old from sleeping on his tummy, face planted in the mattress! Someone told me to swaddle him, but he gets his arms out easi...


4 Month Old Ready to Lose Swaddle?

L.T. asks from New York

So my son is 4 1/2 months old and has always been an awful sleeper. We have tried every suggestion in every web site, discussion board, book, and class we could find,...


My 5 Month Old Will Not Sleep!

M.R. asks from Denver

My 5 month old is wearing me out. He won't sleep more than an hour, 2 hours max at night time. Some nights I'm up every 45 minutes, some nights I don't sleep at all...


4 Month Old Jolts and Jerks

T.H. asks from Philadelphia

This may seem strange to ask, but my son (now 17 weeks)jolts and jerks a lot. We have a daughter, adopted at 8 1/2 mo, never experienced infancy before now. He will...