Stages & Milestones: Infant, Target

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Hitting the Milestones

My daughter is 3 months old and was only 4lbs at birth, now she is just under 10lbs. Does anyone else have a premie and when did they hit thier milestones such as holding things in thier hands and holding themselves up when on thier tummy? When I try to put something in my daughters hand she can't hold it,like her hand is too small. And when I put a teething ring in her mouth she couldnt bite that either,like her mouth is still too small. She seems to be hitting all of her developmental milestones but not the physical ones. The dr says...


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23 answers

What to Do for 2Nd B-day?

Hello, MOms, My son will be turning two in February and I do not know what to do. He loves balls - any and all. He lies the monkey from Curious George and Jungle Book. I would like to do something with balls but I can't think of anything for his age. His firth b-day was Happy Feet which was a bug hit! Any suggestions would be great on some kind og ball themed 2nd year b-day party. Thanks!


B-day Gift Idea

My daughter will be two in a couple of weeks. I also have a four year old...