Types: Toddler, Hydrocortisone

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7 answers

Can Formula Cause Diaper Rash for a Breastfed Baby?

I've breastfed my baby since birth but he's beginning to lose interest and not gaining weight as well. So, I've been supplementing with some formula after I nurse him along with his solids. I've never had much luck with pumping, so I turned to formula to supplement. The last few days, he has developed what I consider the worse diaper rash his little tail has ever seen, and I was wondering if it's the formula. He really has never had a serious case, but this is terrible IMO. Anyone with a similar experience? are some formula brands...


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38 answers

Can Prolonged Use of Hydrocortisone Cream Affect Growth of Child?

Hello moms. My 18 month old boy has chronic eczema since he was 6 months old and have been using a hydrocortisone cream prescribed by our pediatrician. We have been applying this cream, a 2.5% formulation cream since he was an infant with varying degrees of eczema relief. He has needed it on a daily basis and we have been applying it twice a day to his ankles, wrists and behind the knee--the areas that are affected. We also use Aquaphor and pretoleum jelly emollients to relieve his dry skin. We have not asked our pediatrician though...


Allergic to Formula?

I have been pumping and feeding my 5 month old breast milk up until now, but...


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21 answers

Acne/Rash From Soy Formula?

I've had to supplement with formula as I'm not producing enough at the moment. I gave my daughter a soy formula (earth's best brand) one night. My husband used a lactose-free (similac) the following day. A few days later I noticed a small breakout of baby acne - almost rashlike on her upper chest and some on the crook of one elbow. I'm not sure if it's related to the formula, or maybe something she came into contact with. Has anybody ever seen this before?


Soy Protein Allergy

I have an 8 week old son who is solely breastfed. He is in the 97% for...