8 mo. old baby girl allergic to soy and dairy (causes mild to moderate rashes). Recently stopped breastfeeding per doctor's direction, switched to hypoallergenic/ami...
My daughter was born 5 weeks early. she is now 5 month old(or 4 months developmentally). At 2 months, she was referred to a GI specialist for blood in her stool. At ...
My 4 month old has a milk protien allergy/intolerance and I have not eaten any dairy or soy for 3 months while breastfeeding. While he has improved, he still has som...
I recently posted a question about my son's reflux. We're still having a tough time. I've tried raising his mattress 30 degrees, letting him sleep in his car seat o...
I've been on this site several times searching for answers to my baby's fussiness and gas and recently my baby was diagnosed with acid reflux. It is horrible. My baby...
Hi! My brother-in-law is getting married in June in Aruba and I am struggling with the decision of going as a whole family or just having my husband go. We have nev...
My 15 month old had a milk protein allergy and was on Neocate until 12 months. Since then he started milk and has done well. However, he now has ezcema. Not horrib...
A little background:
My 2 month old has been through the gauntlet already. My milk struggled to keep with her at first, so she has been on a combination of breastmi...
I have two questions here - Sorry -
1. Similac Alimentum Stool/Bowel Movements
I recently changed my son over from Neocate (a special hypoallergenic formula for...
Okay so I asked for some suggestions before about a little 15mo. boy in my childcare that had awful skin irritations. It looked like to me one of the problems was Ec...