Check out the Beaufort Marine Institute (not to be confused with the Marine Corps) in Seabrook down the road from MCAS Beaufort. It is a place for troubled boys to go to learn respect, discipline and self control. A boys school in a sense. (article on what the Institute is and does) (AMI kids, is now over seeing the Institute and has locations all over the US.)
If this isn't an option, keep having him arrested, take all of his things out of his room short of reading books, clothes and maybe just toss his mattress on the floor. He has to earn his stuff back piece by piece. Also, seek some counseling for him as well. This could be a peer issue, where is his father or a strong male role model, have you been lax on discipline on him as a young child???? There are many factors as to why children behave the way he is and you aren't going to figure it out until you get into his head and get him away from the situation, people, drugs, etc so he can realize he can live a proper life without all of it!!
And don't beat yourself up over it either. You need to stay a strong parent so you can help him become a better person. Maybe get a counselor for yourself or if there is a family history of drugs/alcohol, the find a Alanon meeting so you can get some couping skills too.
Good luck