My son is 2 years and 8 months and is the EXACT same way. I went through this problem with my daughter also and the only thing she would really eat was macaroni and cheese. The doctor said, "well, who says that you can only eat cereal for breakfast?" So, for about a month or two, she was eating mac and cheese all the time. I mean, it was gross! She would still eat apples and other fruits for snacks, but if yours won't, you could try to buy a juicer and make fresh juice. Both of my kids love that. You can get one for less than 40 at WalMart. My son has been this way for probably about 6 month to a year. I'm not worried at all though. I know he'll come around just like my daughter did. My daughter now eats whatever I put in front of her, even if it's broccoli. So, hang in there, feed her the things you know she will eat. I always have some of the things I made for dinner on my son's plate too, just in case he decides he's ready to try them. So far, he's realized he likes mashed potatoes, so just be patient with your daughter, she'll come around.