Just tell him, he needs to help with the food prep. Now.
Your schedules are different.
Men can't read our minds.
They don't think 15 steps ahead like women do.
You both sit down, and make a LIST of what each does, and hang it up on the WALL.
And the 3 dogs, are like having 3 other children. So actually, you have 4... "kids."
Or, hire a dog walker etc.
Ultimately, you are like a Single Parent. Now.
Who is doing everything.
Except, the Husband who you never really see, is... home from 7:00am until say 1:30pm, when he has to get to work to get there by 2:00pm. PLUS, even before he goes to work, he must need about say, 1/2 hour, prior to actually leaving for work, to get ready... for work before he actually leaves the house. So all of that timing, needs to be factored into... the day.
Anyway, just you both sit down... and you tell him calmly what you told us, here.
And yes, "Men" get irked when their meals are not done and ready... like "usual." But too bad. The household now has a different schedule. BUT A MAN CAN COOK HIMSELF... even if it just for himself and you are already sleeping.
Again, men do not think 15 steps ahead... like women do.
They do not realize, it.
So you need to... tell him.
AND... have a "To Do List" on the wall... in plain sight... so that... you all know, what to do. And when. Put the times on it TOO, at which it needs to be done.
Everyone, needs to be scheduled.
And, what exactly is your Husband doing... from 7:00am until he has to go to work???
And, it seems that since this schedule happened and work schedules changed, you both never even talked about it or the delineation of duties/chores/responsibilities. So of course, it is not fair or organized.
So you both need to talk about it, and plan it.
Because, you are tired and frustrated with the new schedule.
And I am sure your Husband is tired and frustrated with it too.
And you all are, transitioning and adjusting.
But it will not go smoothly, UNLESS you both... KNOW what each is supposed to do, at what time/when, and list it down and put it on a poster.