Don't make her stop crying.
Kids, WILL deflate on their own and peter out.
Just state your stance, calmly... then walk away. Or sit down on a chair and read a magazine. Really. And tune her out.
Tell her "Mommy is reading... let me know when you are done crying/screaming..."
Then, she will tantrum. Until she stops. Don't engage or lecture her or nag her... just let her deflate. A kid will. If you don't interfere.
You can do this, when at home.
A kid, cannot be rationalized with, when they are in the throes of a tantrum or scream fest.
So, wait. Until she stops. On her own.
THEN... talk with her. Calmly. But firmly. And 'compliment' her on stopping crying on her own.... too.
The book "Have A New Kid By Friday" has some real good tips and problem solving solutions. It is non-punitive and not harsh. But practical. An easy read.
Also, teach her HOW to express herself, the names for feelings... and that she can tell you how she feels, good or bad. And that you are a TEAM... etc. A child this age has to learn how to express themselves and the names of feelings (good or bad) and that they can say it. But you have to teach her the way to say it.... my son, is 3 almost 4... and he will actually tell me "I'm grumpy... I want to be left alone...." or "I'm mad... because... " and he will tell me why. I compliment him on that... because he CAN express his feelings and say it and articulate it. That is what I taught him. I tell him he can be 'mad'... but not to yell, for example. But he can 'say' it.... that Mommy gets grumpy too... but we are "family" and we "try our best" to say things in a sentence nicely etc.
all the best,