Bigger babys tend to do gross motor skills later than smaller ones, and its normal and healthy.
You could try just making a concerted effort to place toys and things she wants just out of reach to see if this helps her work on her mobility.
My 7 mo. old, Marissa, is a bright, happy baby who smiles all the time. However, I feel that her motor skills are behind. She can roll from her tummy to her back, but still can't get from her back to her tummy. She starts pushing the top half of her body over but can't get her bottom half to go with it! She is in the 98th percentile for height and weight, and her bottom and thighs are fairly "thick," which might be part of the problem. I am just getting concerned because, besides not rolling both ways, she is not interested in crawling at all. She doesn't scoot or try to pull herself forward. And she never gets on her hands and knees or rocks back and forth like my eldest daughter did. My husband said that all babies are different and that Marissa will crawl eventually. I guess it's not so much WHEN she crawls - it's just that I am concerned about her physical development in general. I got one of those "Your baby at 7 months" emails from a parenting website and all it talked about is how 7-mo. olds are so mobile now. Mobile? Mine just learned how to sit up on her own without falling over. Should I be worried or is this normal for some babies? I would love to hear from other moms about when your kids started scooting or crawling. Thanks!
First, thank you so much to everyone for all of the responses regarding my concerns for Marissa. I feel so much better knowing that what's "normal" varies a lot for babies, and it sounds like many babies don't crawl until 9 or 10 months old. I think Marissa is doing just fine with her development after all. We've been giving her more tummy time, as many of you suggested, and have stopped worrying about it. Thanks again for helping me to put my mind at ease!
Bigger babys tend to do gross motor skills later than smaller ones, and its normal and healthy.
You could try just making a concerted effort to place toys and things she wants just out of reach to see if this helps her work on her mobility.
My first kiddos were twins and they were exactly 2 months apart with just about everything that they did. At 8 months my daughter was crawling and my son was just learning to sit up. At 10 months my son was just staring to crawl while his sister was starting to walk.
My youngest daughter was the latest with everything.....she crawled sometime after 10 months and didn't walk until 13 months. I actually loved that it took her a bit longer to be mobile, it bought me a little more down time before the constant chasing began!! =}
All kiddos are different so try not to worry.
My daughter was as well in the 100% for height & weight. She did not crawl until almost 10 months! I know how you are feeling. But its.....OK!! Sometimes being a bigger baby makes everything a little harder. My daughter did not walk until after 13 months. She is now 15 months and running around like a crazy girl AND not to mention she is definately leaning out!!! Already down to the 80%!! I dont know if this helps -- but it is pretty common in heavier babys to take longer than others! Hang in there -- and dont compare her to other babies no matter how hard it is! :)
Hey S.,
Definitely check with your pediatrician to ease your fears, but my daughter didn't start crawling until she was 8 months old and it was slow crawling at that - she didn't really start moving with any speed or energy until she was about 9 months. She took her first step at 13 months, but didn't start walking until 14 months.
Your baby's size could be part of it - she has more weight to move around - nothing wrong with that - don't put her on a diet ; ) - just mentioning it because that can play a part in when she crawls and moves around.
Finally, some babies are just naturally more laid back and easygoing - she may be perfectly content watching you and her big sister, and is just taking her sweet time. Other babies come out of the womb squirming and kicking and don't stop until they leave for college!!
If she's happy, babbling, engaging with you guys, and making progress in her physical development (even if it's on the slow side), my guess is she's fine.
Don't you just love the assumptions of parenting websites? No one knows your baby better than you do. It sounds like she was a little bit like my son; he was a little chunk for a while but has since slimmed down and grown up. He barely started crawling at nine months, but now, at 15 months, is walking all over the place.
I've seen a lot of babies, and they all develop on their own timetable. If you are taking your daughter in for well-baby checks and your doctor has a concern, then there might be something to look into. Otherwise, just know that as long as she's happy and healthy and learning about her world, she's fine.
Big PS-- my nephew didn't start to walk until he was 20 months, and he's six now, big into soccer, biking and swimming. You just never know!:)
My son is 8 1/2 months old and does not crawl, He rolls where he wants to go.
My older son did not crawl, rolled then walked! So it jsut depends on your child, I would not worry! You could talk to er ped at the next WBV just to put your mind at ease!
Stop worrying! My very active/athletic 2yo didn't start to crawl until 2 weeks before his first birthday. He could throw a football in a spiral before he could crawl!!! He was walking at 14 months and is running and jumping all over the place now. He has even mastered going up and down stairs upright. In contrast, my 10 yo was walking by 11 months. They are all different. Enjoy this period of non-mobility, it doesn't last very long.
My daughter didn't crawl until 11 months and walked at 15, so I understand where you're coming from. She's always been a little "late" with her motor skills, but once she gets going, she's been perfectly fine. She's just been more interested in other things, like learning to talk. Don't worry, your little one will get moving when she's ready. :-)
My daughter never did crawl. At 9 months, she would sit and play with toys and be just content for hours. She did not even start walking until she was 13 months old. Now, she is almost 10 with no problems whatsoever. So, relax, all kids are different and take it as a blessing, at least she is not getting in to everything. She will be fine. One day, she will just stand up and walk.
Take a deep breath and don't worry. Unless your pediatrician says something is wrong, ignor what anyone says about "normal" developement because as you know there is a huge range for when kids reach each milestone.
My 8 mo old is exactly like yours - rolls his hips over but can't bring his head up..and shows no interest or ability to creep or crawl. My daughter didn't crawl till 10 mos (didn't walk till 17 mos) and she's a healthy running jumping bike riding kid today. So although is SO easy to get hung up on compairing, just focus on what she can do, encourage development (placing toys above her to encourage rolling over to her tummy)....and be thankful she ISN'T crawling cause then you'd have to baby proof everything!
S., you need not to worry. I have three little boys, 7yrs. 2yrs. and 7 1/2mos. old. My 7 1/2mo. old is doing the exact same thing and he is actually in the 50th percentile for his age group....she will develop at her own pace and you should know that all children are different and that also pertains to her development. My oldest was a late bloomer and my middle was a very early bloomer and now my youngest...he's a little late bloomer also, but he is making his advances on schedule for as far as mostly in order. It really shouldn't be anything that should be concerning you right at this point. My oldest son didn't even really crawl at all before he was cruising around the furniture and my middle son, well, once he started he just didn't want to stop. He's my little Evil Knevil now. It's just how your little one wants to progress. Maybe she's happy right now with where she's at and maybe in a week or so, she may want to start rolling over all the way onto her belly from her back. My youngest son had colic until he was 6 1/2 mos/ old and I was very worried that he was going to be developmentally behind and it turns out that he is doing things that he should be. It's nothing to be concerning yourself with too much for about another month or so. When she's ready to move onto something more exciting, then she will. Little ones like her and my youngest son are fickle like that. Just be happy with her the way that she is and she will surprise you soon enough. And that's a Guarantee!! Mine do everyday. Good luck!! And I hope that this has helped.
Hi S. -
Everyone here has already said what I was going to...each baby is different! Check with your pediatrician to see if they are worried. And you, as a mom, have the most information so watch her and see what you personally think.
I have three boys, all have been vastly different in times of crawling/walking. My last little guy really did not want to crawl, but he was so happy that it didn't bother me. He couldn't/wouldn't even roll over at 9 months and insisted on sitting straight up (think sit-up) which I am told is very difficult and not correct for a baby to do at that age. So he's determined to do things his way, is what I figured!
Our pediatrician had us go to physical therapy with him. It was fun and gave me good pointers on how to help him get ready to roll/crawl/walk, but really he just needed to feel comfortable and do it in his own sweet time. I didn't feel he truly needed it. We stopped the day that I saw him walk-run backwards at a pretty quick pace...I thought "this is silly" and knew that he did not need it.
I also remember getting those developmental sheets that detailed what should happen when. Hmmm...he wasn't on target at all except for fine motor skills - for instance, pinching small things like cheerios with his fingers was easy for him. He just wanted to do the gross motor skills by taking his own sweet time.
On the up side, he has always been at 90th percentile in growth and a fat, happy boy...I am so thankful for his health and good disposition.
Bottom line is, do what you feel is best. Trust your mothering instincts. You will know.
~ K.
Hi S.! I wouldn't worry about your daughter at all! My daughter lived with us when her son was that age, and he wasn't showing any signs of crawling either, which had us a bit perplexed. Well, he's now 9 months old and crawling all over creation! Just give her time!
:>) J.
Sounds totally normal to me! I have two kids and neither of them crawled until 9-10 months. They were also just learning to sit on their own at 7 mos without tipping over. My daughter rolled back to front around 5-6 months, but my son didn't until 7-8 months. Anyway, I wouldn't be a bit worried, she sounds very healthy in terms of development based on my kids and friends' kids that I know.
My oldest son didn't crawl until he was 12 months old (and he walked at 14 months)! Looking back I'm sure it was his personality - he is just a mello kid and he still would rather sit quietly and look at a book or build a tower of blocks than to run around in our back yard. As a baby he was content to sit and play with the toys around him and just had no interest in moving around. My twins are 9 months old now and they are just barely starting to scoot around and get into sitting by themselves. Sounds like your daughter is doing great and probably has different interests than your older one.
our second son never crawled, scooted or rolled. He would watch his older brother walk everywhere in the house. One day he started standing on the couch holding onto the back of it while we were sitting with him, then one day he stood up on the floor and started walking.
children do things only when they are ready. Don't force them. They will come along.
Best of luck.
Hi S.,
First of all, relax! Marissa has her own developmental timetable and she will move when she is ready. My son was also in the 98th percentile for height and weight and didn't sit up until he was 8 months- we were very worried, but the doctor said it was because he was so big. But in the period from 8-12 months, he sat up, rolled over both ways, crawled, pulled himself up to walk around the furniture and walked on his own! He is now almost 15 and is extremely athletic, with not an ounce of body fat on him.
The only concern we have is that his hand-writing isn't very good. He has never done well with super fine motor skills, although he does play the guitar quite well. Crawling is one of those things that help to develop the fine muscles of the hands by putting body weight on them and research has found that children who have not had enough tummy time or crawling time tend to have a harder time with fine motor skills with the hands, in particular, holding pens, crayons, etc. and using them well. My son is a whiz a typing however, and he does all his notes at school on the computer. We put him into gymnastics when we found out about the motor control issues and that helped a lot.
Good luck!
My youngest son is a BIG boy! He didn't start crawling until 9 1/2 months and even then it was only an army crawl. He'd lay on his belly and pull with his arms and push with his feet. It wasn't until a week before his first birthday that he even got up on his hands and knees. Now at 11 months, he's getting around really well.
All babies ARE different! My oldest walked two weeks after his first birthday. . .my youngest isn't even close. He won't even stand without holding onto something.
I hate those things that tell you where your baby should be!
They just cause unnecessary worry.
My advice to you is to NOT worry! Give her time.
I really think that you should enjoy the fact that she's not scooting and crawling and into EVERYTHING! :)
My cousin's baby was 3 weeks older than my youngest and he started crawling around 5 months. Everyone thought that was so great except for me. All that meant was she had to start chasing him around all ready!
Well, I hope this puts your mind at ease! :)
- A.
My son was behind on all of his motor skills. He didn't roll over until 6 months, crawled at 12 months and walked at 18 months. He is now a happy, healthy and very active 22 month old.
If your daughter seems normal in all other ways I wouldn't be too concerned.
I hope this helps.
Hi S.,
I'm with your husband. My two kids both rolled over late
(they were sitting before they could roll all the way over) and neither one could really crawl before 9 months. My son was about 10 months before he could crawl, but now that he's 20 months he can run, jump (both feet off the ground), climb... you name it! Some kids are really motivated to move and others are pretty content to just sit there. At 7 months, she may be later than many babies on her motor skills, but not enough to be concerned. I wanted my first one to crawl--with the second one I was content to wait since I knew the vacation would be over once he was truly mobile!
nope dont worry - every baby is different - I have had 4 babies and they all crawled between 6monts and 11 months and walked between 9monthhs and 16 months. You're fine.
I have to mention something that happened with a friend's son of mine. He never crawled and he ended up having some physio therapy to help him walk. The one thing that was missing for him was that he never ever put his feet in his mouth (which is apparently a huge developmental thing you wouldn't even think that) so just a thought. He had a few sessions of physical therapy when he was a year old and he has no problems - walked like a pro soon after.
Anyhow my daughter didn't crawl until she was 9 months old so I wouldn't worry - you have plenty of time but I did want to mention about the lifting the legs up and putting the feet in the mouth thing. My daughter did that constantly and my friend's little guy never did.
I wouldn't worry. My little girl, who is 18 months, was the same way. She loved to stand and walk with help when she was about 5-6 months old. Never wanted to be on her tummy, even though I tried to get her to all the time. She never actually crawled until she was almost 1 year and didn't walk all by herself until she was 16 months. Her doctor was surprised she crawled at all. Everything else about her is "normal", and now it's like she's been walking forever. Your daughter will do it when she's ready. Don't worry!!!
I have on daughter that crawled at 7 months the others between 8-9 months. If hse isn't crawling by 9 months then you need to discuss things with your Pediatrician. Most babies are crawling or scooting by 9 months. Give her more tummy time if possible. Don't use walkers or activity chair type products they slow kids down . Remember she sees all of you walking not crawling. I found out with my youngest one that the older two were giving her the toys and not making her work to get them. Of course she didn't want to crawl all she had to do was make a noise and the entertainment brigrade showed up. Her weight might be slowing her down but she may just need more time. She is still within normal parameters. Relax. One day when she is getting into stuff you will laugh about your worries and maybe if wish she wasn't so mobile.
Hi S.,
You are getting a lot of great advice regarding the variations of "normal" for development of kids. They are all so individual. She may be putting her energy in developing some other skill rather than crawling.
I will let you know that my 3rd child of 4 is disabled. This (in addition to some eye issues) was the physical difference that I first noticed with him being delayed. I was with friends and the kids were 6 months old. Her daughter was up on all fours and rocking and my son could not even lift up his front half. I wasn't too worried but just kept an eye on it and then by age 1, it really became evident that he was delayed in many areas.
So, I wouldn't get all stressed out about it, but just watch and observe and give opportunities for growth. If you begin to think that there are other delays, I would check with your care provider.
Trust your mother's instinct! It is usually right on track!
Try not to worry too much. All babies develop at different rates. Make sure she is getting enough tummy time; but don't push her to do something she is not ready for. Larger children do tend to become mobile a bit later, they've just got more to maneuver. My older son didn't crawl until he was 11 months and didn't walk until he was 16 months. He's 4 now, and is totally normal. Does 50 piece jigsaw puzzles by himself, knows the alphabet, and can count to 30. Gross motor skills just aren't his thing, but he gets there; he just develops in other areas more quickly. Your daughter will get there too. :)
Well all kids are different. My son was crawling at 5 months and walking at 10 months, but my daughter didn't walk until she was 12 months and I know people whose children didn't walk until 18 months, but they are all completely normal. It is still something to talk to your doctor about, but until he/she says there is something wrong I wouldn't worry too much about it. Especially if mentally and emotionally she is in the right stage.
I have a 9 mos old that just started to crawl...she really was not much interested in crawling for a while (even though I kept trying to get her to do it)....this is a little behind, but she had chunky thighs and I think that weight was harder for her to get moving, but now that she is crawling, it is pretty clear that she will not do this for long as she seems more interested in walking (as soon as her legs will hold her). She now crawls over to something to pull herself up and walk along furniture, but that would be the most crawling that she does even now. I would say that some kids can be a little off from the books, but if you are really worried, you could always ask your PCP at your next appointment. That might help you to feel better. Good luck.
Our son, Eddie, is 10 months and not crawling yet and I'm not at all worried. Like your daughter, Eddie is over the 95th percentile on height and weight. Our doc told us that the larger babies can tend to move later than the smaller ones. (There is more mass to move!) Our doc wasn't at all concerned at his 9 month checkup and so I've continued to enjoy the other areas of growth he's exhibiting. Just within the last few weeks he's showing signs and interest in crawling. We think it's just a matter of days now.
Also, Eddie didn't really sit up on his own until about 7 months and he's never been great at rolling over. It sounds like our children are very similar.
Those "Your baby..." emails are generic and represent the average. There is a wide range of acceptable developmental stages, so don't worry. Enjoy this time of being able to put her down and not worry about what she'll get into. She'll be mobile soon enough!
Here's a good article explaining ranges of development:
"Average age versus normal range"
My daughter (now 2 yrs.) didn't start crawling or even trying, until she was 9 i'2 months old, and the mom's in my Mom Group said that's when their babies started too, around 9 months. My son (now 10 months) started crawling at about 8 1/2 months, but didn't show any inclination towards moving on his own until about two weeks before. He'd just cry if we put him on his tummy. So I think your daughter is very normal.
I totally understand where you are coming from and it can be really frustrating. My son is 10 months old and it has only been within the last month that he has shown any interest in moving. He sat up on time and rolled from his tummy to his back quite early, but other than that he has been a late bloomer. Like you said he is a very happy, social baby, but just was not motivated to get moving. He is also a larger baby with a good sized head, which the doctor said could be some of the cause. He is still not crawling or even really scooting (although he does scoot backwards) but he is now really trying. He does not like to be up on his hands and knees even still. However, he is now pulling up on things and has started "cruising" on the furniture. The only problem being that he can't get to the furniture unless you put him near it. He loves to walk if you hold his fingers and would spend all day standing up with his toy table, etc. Although I get plenty frustrated when I see my friends babies (who are all younger) start to crawl, I try to keep telling myself that he will do it in his own way and time. My husband and I feel that he may just skip crawling in favor of walking. Who knows... but it is definitely a frustrating stage for him and for me. Good luck and try not to worry.
I am sure you have already heard that "normal" for one child isn't "normal" for another. There are many myths out there that say something is wrong with your child if they never crawl, but the reality is some babies think that it's an unnecessary step and go right to walking.
For my little boy crawling (9 months) wasn't important until he knew he could pull himself up to furniture walk and walking really wasn't important until he knew he could run. He did all of his mobile steps very close together. As long as your little girl is happy and healthy you can be assured that she is just asserting her personality, doing things the way she wants to do them when she wants! It will create a great adventure later on in life!
Listen to your instincts and your pediatrician. Tell him/her about your concerns. Since they see many children every day they will be able to give you a good gauge of where your daughter should be.
Good luck!
Your little girl sounds completely normal to me. :-) Big babies usually take longer with their motor skills because there is more of them to move and their muscles need to be stronger. Our TINY girl was ahead on almost every milestone, but I still worried about her progressing. Every time I got worried, she would have a leap in skills and start doing the things I was worried about. I think that's just part of being a mom. ;-) I just looked at my weekly journals from her first year - she started doing a real crawl on her 8-month birthday. But I know that most of her friends her same age (or a month or two older) still weren't crawling. So I think she has plenty of time still. :-)
Also, please know that babies nowadays don't spend as much time on their bellies like we all did (mainly because of SIDS awareness and the "Back to Sleep" campaign). Because of this, they're finding many babies skip the crawling stage all together. I've watched scientific shows and read up on the subject, and scientists and doctors can't really say why human babies even crawl. It doesn't really make sense with our bone structure and historical instincts.
We know a child baby that crawled way longer than most and didn't want to walk until they were over 15-months old. We also know a big child that crawled, rolled, etc. late but were walking at 11 months old. They are both within the norm for their motor skills. I'd say be patient and if you're still worried (and she's not crawling) at her 9-month check-up, then ask the doctor what they think about the situation. Most of all - have fun with your girls!! :-)
Hi, S.! My two oldest kids didn't crawl until they were 10 months old, so I'm sure your daughter is just fine. My third child is 7 months old, also, and she is right where your daughter is. She jsut barely started to sit up without falling over, and so far she only rolls from tummy to back. Anyway, I think we mommies are really good at finding things to worry about, but my guess is that Marissa is totally fine!
My daughter is 8 months old and is just now learning to crawl. Last month she showed no interest in crawling either. And she had just learned how to sit up unassisted. Then one day out of nowhere she decided to army crawl. And now she's attempting to crawl crawl. I've read many places that crawling is an option rather than a necessity. Many babies skip the crawling stage all together. As long as your baby seems to be able to use both sides of her body equally I'm sure she'll be fine. And like I said, sometimes it just happens overnight. I hope this was helpful.
Hi S., my son, who's now 21 months, NEVER crawled. I thought this was strange too. But he's more than normal now. He started walking around furniture when he was 9 1/2 months, and by 10 1/2 months he was walking on his own. But he never crawled. In fact, I don't think he tried crawling until after he was 1. He wouldn't get on all fours, in fact he hated being on his stomach at all. Sometimes you hear how crawling helps the brain develop so they have good reading skills, so that was my concern. But our doc said don't stress about it now, each child is different. And Teague love's books, so I think all will be okay. He's seems quite smart with everything else. Oh, any my guy was quite chunky, too. So no worries, Marissa will work it out on her own!
Hi there! It looks like you are having a big girl there. Just think her level, it is hard to pull up all that body mass and crawl, she just need more time and stronger arms. Calm down and just wait. Actually my son skipped all the crawling part and there is nothing wrong with him. May be she is just busy developing a different milestone. Give her another couple of months. If your doctor haven't seen anything wrong with her, probably there is nothing to worry about. And your husband is right, every baby is different. Good luck!
P.S. And when you read the months milestones in your book, please, read them more carefully. In my book the milestones where separated in 3 sections: "your baby is", "probably is" and "might be". "Your baby is" part is what is important.
I think now days the focus between moms is my baby did this and this at this age... and it builds peer pressure.. Your husband is right every baby is different. My son was the same way.. did not crawl till 10 months and did not walk till 16 months! Dont worry..as long as the doctor is not worried. My doctor said that heavier babies take longer because they not only have to learn to walk/roll over/crawl but also how to handle their weight. My Son was a big Boy and loved to eat also!! The Doctor told me that fat babies are healthy babies...(their is a different between healthy fat and obese...)sounds like your baby was the healthy fat not the obese..
My daughter didn't get up on all fours until 9 months and didn't crawl until 9 1/2 months. She finally sat up at 7 months. She was always in the later end of normal for gross motor. You can ask your doctor if he thinks a physical or occupational therapy evaluation is necessary, but she is still well within the normal range for development.
My daughther did not crawl until almost 11 months old. She never pulled herself along the ground, etc, either. She was sitting up at 7months so I was sure crawling would follow soon, but it didn't. She also would only roll from her tummy to her back and never the other way. She hated being on her belly. Around 8 1/2 months old, she started scooting on her rear end and that is how she got around for 2 1/2 months. She was a medium size baby. I remember reading those "your 7 month old baby" things and being so frustrated that my daughter wasn't crawling too. All her playgroup friends were. Anyhow, I just realized that all kids do things at different paces. If you feel very worried over it, talk with her DR. Some babies never crawl, and according to many that affects their walking, but don't believe that stuff. It is an old wives tale. I am sure that before you know it, your daughter will form a way to get moving and then you will miss the good old non-moving days.
S., every baby has its own personality. Some of them just are more interested in looking around them and watching and listening and don't have any particular interest in moving around. Also, how much time does Marissa spend on the floor with nothing but toys? Is she held very much? She may just feel that all her needs or desires are already met, and not "want" something badly enough to try to "get" it.
My recommendation is to get her a jumperoo (buy it second-hand, cuz she'll probably only use it until she starts walking). They really help babies to gain strength in their legs and backs, and they get a lot of stimulation from the toys on the trays.
My three-yr-old gdtr, Aurora, didn't learn to crawl until the day after she learned to walk. Then she crawled all over the place. She just couldn't figure out how to coordinate the legs and arms to make it work, until she actually could walk. And I seem to recall that she couldn't sit up on her own until she was eight months or more. But she wasn't put on the floor very much, because we have a very small apartment, and she was totally content in the jumperoo.
All babies are different. Yours sounds a lot like our Aurora, who is a January baby (sounds like yours is, too?) They both may just be pretty mellow. I suspect that she just is content with watching things around her (like her sister). You know, many babies tend to do a lot of "mobile" things accidentally. Rolling over isn't something they think about. They just suddenly "do" it, and then they put together "how" they did it, some time after that.
Good luck!
If you are interested in a beautiful "therapy" to get her on track/evaluated I strongly recommend Feldenkreis. There is a practitioner in Olympia! her name is Jeanne Murdock-Zvonchenko, GCFP. She can be reached at FusionOlympia.com She did just have a baby in june, so she might not be available for another month, but I would give her a call. Feldenkreis works with the nervous system and is a beautiful soft, natural work that sets the body on the right path of developement and movement. http://www.feldenkrais.com/ for more info on the "therapy". My brother also takes feldenkrais and I am absolutely in awe of the results it has brought him in his life. truly amazing. best wishes for your sweet little one!
Don't worry about her. She'll be fine. All kids are different and move at different times. My daughter was a big girl and was slow to move around. She crawled around 9-10 months and started walking around 12-13 months. She's almost 14 months now and weighs about 24 pounds. Did your daughter like being on her tummy or no? The more they are on their tummys early on, the earlier they build up those muscles to start crawling and moving. If your child didn't like tummy time, which many kids don't, she'll just be a little slower on moving around, but she'll get there.
I remember when my son was turning 9 months and he wasn't crawling, my husband and I got a little freaked out because everything we read stated he should be crawling. I remember we made an appt and took him in to make sure he was okay! We laugh about it now but all the emails and online info about baby development sometimes serves to freak us parents out. Don't worry about what you're reading and all. She shouldn't be crawling at 7 months. Take care.
My oldest son didn't start crawling until he was about ten months old. He was just plain not interested, until one day he woke up from his nap and started crawling. A lot of babies are not crawling at seven months. If you are concerned talk to her doctor. She may just be content and have no reason to crawl at this point. Always follow your gut though and not what others say.
I have a 3 year old who is a budding gymnast and ballet dancer, but she didn't roll over until 9 months old and never crawled - just started walking at a year. She was a heavy, easy-going baby (though is slim and super energetic now). Tell your doctor if you are concerned, but don't worry yet.