my son does not make his ears bleed, but he does pull at then and dig in them when he is tired. it very well may be a soothing thing. have you tried putting cortisone cream in them, to make sure that they are not just itchy? there is a 1% and a .5% and i know that when my daughter was that age we used the .5% on her eczema. the 1% is to strong for them until age 2. you get it at the drugstore, over the counter. you could try putting it on a q-tip and just rub it into the ear. be careful not to get too far into the ear. also, what helped my son to stop pulling so much at his ears was to get him an alternative. we found a small blankie, about 12 inches square, and it is silky on one side, fleecy on the other, and has teethers on the corners. he rubs that on his face and ears now instead of pulling them. you could also try a tuggie. the little blankies with the ribbons all around the edge. i have never used one, but i hear that kids love them.