1. Don't stop your antidepressants until you see your doctor.
2. I tell myself to chill and listen to what I'm saying to myself.
3. You manage your time by scheduling time for yourself.
I once battled depression. The best thing I ever did for myself is start an exercise regimen. It was really simple. I did 30 minutes in the morning which consisted of jumping jacks, jumping rope, running in place, sit ups, push ups, and stretching. That helped to get the blood flowing and change my brain chemistry.
Also making certain I'm eating properly a balanced diet. Less or now processed sugars, more fresh fruit and veggies and taking an awesome multivitamin. I take a liquid multivitamin from the health food store. You may also consider taking a liquid B complex isntead of a multivitamin which helps give you more energy.
Please make yourself a priority in your life by scheduling the time you need for yourself. Even if it is 1/2 hour a day or how ever you work that out work it out. You are worth it.