Dear A.,
Ahem, you are going to hear from the 'other side of the coin now', so prepare yourself.
I know what a delicious and glorious thing it is to sleep with a baby. My grandson lived with us for a while and I would babysit while the parents went to the movies. Such a sweet lovely experience to lay beside my gr great grand baby and watch her slip off to sleep and listen to her breathing and smell her . I was always disappointed when they came home and whisked her away to their bedroom.
So, now that you have had that wondrous experience and have bonded deeply with your baby, you need to let him have his independence - yes, this is the beginning of it....and put him to bed at the early part of the evening.
This part of the evening is for your peace and recuperation from the day, life, and to relax from duties. You have two full time jobs, and three if there is a partner in your home, and you need rest and recuperative time - if you don't think so, then you are not paying attention to what your brain and body are telling you.
One of the most difficult things for a mother to do, and there are plenty of those, but the most difficult is to let you child be him or herself and not a clone of us. They need their private time too. He needs to teach himself how to fall asleep - we do that every night and for so long now that we forget that it is a skill, and needs to be practiced . Yes, sometimes babies cry when they are put to bed for sleep, well, that is just part of the learning. Do not deprive him of beginning to learn to control himself and follow rules of living with others.
If you will just open your eyes and ears, you will see many examples of adults who have not learned how to control themselves, be aware of the needs of others and , actually, be civilized, as my father used to say.
Sincerely, C. N.